Asking for a lucid dream?

Last night I did something I’ve never done before. I asked for a lucid dream. I was just lying in bed, and I just said out loud “I would like to have a lucid dream tonight, please.” It was like I was asking my subconcious. Sure enough…

I also did WBTB. Do you think this “asking” method works, or do you think it was the WBTB?

Could be a combination of booth.

Cool, I’m going to try it.

If you ask for a LD, you’re giving a strong signal to your subconsciousness. It’s a bit like when you repeat to yourself “I WILL have a LD this night”… but when you really ask for it, you create a stronger expectation that your question will be answered. In this sense, it might work better than just repeating “I WILL…”
I’m not sure though if this method works better than WBTB. This depends of a lot of things: personality, mental thought patterns, motivation, intention, how long you practice,…

I find it’s extreamly effective. I don’t remeber an LD, but I had a very weak LD feeling when I awoke.

You consider that “extremely effective”?

This method has not worked for me. But I will incorporate it into my regular regimine…nothing to lose!

I tried it last night, nothing. Of course, I’ve only tried it once before that, so…If any of you get good results, post it in this thread.

Sorry, I meant the way it works sounds ectreamly effective.

Asking helps a whole lot. Most of my LD’s occur when I ask. Ask out loud, write it down, do WBTB…THe door to Lucid dreams is sometimes locked for some of us. Find the right combination, and you will always get through.



i think the whole idea behind it is teh desire, so if you read this and you go right that will be an easy way to get lucid you still must hold the same desire that evilshiznat had.

I used to do this many years ago, and last night i asked for help from my SG. I cant remember one dream but i do know the feeling that i have, very very angry :razz: i remember somthing about not enough power or not ready yet. that isnt the first time i have gotten taht answer.

So it is all bout the desire, find somthing you want ask and it will come.

Interesting, Timeless. Actually, Sunday I was really having second thoughts about getting back into LDing (“jeez, come on, when am I gonna have one?!”), so the LD came at a very good time.

I think the key behind it is believing it will happen on even a subcouncious level. Couple this with the necessary vivid dreams and viola.

This is OT but:

I always seem to remember my LD ’s. Even real low level ones. They seem more like a real memory and I remember them as well as I remember anything else. (Is that just me)

No, but it definately isn’t everyone.

When I try hard, I get no results. But when I don’t try at all, I get an LD. Grrr…

lol tech it happens. cant explain how but it does, well i cant explain right now but i will tommorow morning :happy: when i am more awake.

I am glad ur ld came a t a good time evilshiznat good luck with more :happy: they will come, have you asked your sub c for anything else?

i’m just posting to report that i believe this “asking” method has contributed to the two LDs i have had since i first read this topic

it’s somehting i used to do, but sorta forgot about doing it… thx for the reminder evilshiznat :yinyang:

:smile: Cool stuff. I asked my spirit guide last night and did WBTB. Two LDs.

Prehaps this is the forum people have been looking for.