hi everyone. i just happened to stumble across this fascinating little subculture today and i wanted to share an experience i had a couple days ago. first off, alittle backround on me…
im 23. ive always had really vivid dreams and am lucky enough to remember most of them. i started flying in my dreams when i was around 4 or 5. i started out having to doggy paddle through the air but over the years ive taught myself how to do the superman thing. when i take off now, i feel energy coming out of my hands. it seems that the energy coming from my hands repels the ground im standing on and so i start flying. this is a new twist thats happened in the last year or so. i used to get sleep paralysis alot when i was younger and it used to scare the hell out of me. i was convinced i was being abducted by aliens. i still get it from time to time, but ive learned to recognize it for what it is and not freak out.
almost everytime i fly in my dreams, i realize im dreaming so i just cut loose and have fun. i never knew that that was lucid dreaming until yesterday when i was reading up on it. ive never had total control of my dream world before like ive read about on some of these sites, but now that i know more about it, im looking forward to learning how.
this is the second dream i can remember from that night. in the first, i dream i go to sleep and wake up with sleep paralysis. the next thing i remember, im sitting in my room thats not my room, on a bed i dont own. i feel the energy in and around my hands i sometimes do so i ask myself if im dreaming. i test it out by using the energy to attract a few items around my room to my hand. after i bring my shorts that were lying in the corner to my hand, i know im dreaming. then i remember reading somewhere about asking for help while on another plane while tripping on shrooms and i decide to try it while im dreaming.
i ask, and my physical body and my room instantaneously fade away to nothing. im me, just pure energy and i feel a presence embrace me. she tells me her name and i remark about what a beautiful name she has. a wave of pure love and joy from her completely envolopes me in a warm caress. its a wonderful feeling and i think to myself that it feels just like the night i first found myself. she tells me where shes lives/has lived and i repeat it so i dont forget. at some point during the encounter, with a detached sort of feeling, i realize that im sleeping with my hand down my boxers. i feel alittle ashamed about presenting myself to her this way but the feeling quickly passes. sadly, i cant remember anything else about my encounter after repeating where she lives, but im sure that more took place.
it was pretty amazing. because of the experience i decided to look up lucid dreaming to see what i could learn. i sure am glad i did. ive always had the ability to realize i was dreaming but i never understood what a great thing it is until now. ive just started to keep a dream journal with that dream as my opening chapter. i know a few of my dream signs already. all i have to do is teach myself to look for them. every journey starts with one step, and ive just made mine.
thanks for listening,