asking or talking to your unconscounce about something

I have become interested in the fact that we can communicate with our unconscience through lucid dreaming. In this topic feel free to share the questions you have asked and what response you were given. Or just share what intentions you have announced and what the outcomes were.

I have read and feel the unconsciense is what gives us any unexpected events that takes place in our dreams. when asking the unconsience something you will most always get unexpected results. I believe the unconscience to be older and much wiser than our waking self and is also known as our spirit. with that said do be nice to it when interacting with it.

Any conversation to do with you unconscience please share them here. also any Ideas of what to ask or what to say while talking to our unconscience would be great. :smile:

how to talk to your unconscience for those of you who don’t know.
the simple way is to look up and shout out to your dream in a nice manner,
a question or something you would like to say to it. It’s that simple.
Good luck and have fun. :cool:

Have you been reading that Waggoner book? :tongue:

Well, taking his cue, I did what you’re talking about. (I wrote about this somewhere else here before–I havent had that many noteworthy LDs). In my most memorable (and longest) LD to date, I went around asking DC people what they represented. Most of them were annoyed and/or just didn’t know.

But at one point midway in the dream I sat down in a sitting area in a mall and this big obese man with a green sloppy stained shirt sat down and told me (without me asking) that he was my ugly side that I don’t pay attention to.

I don’t know if that meant that I suppress the bad side of me and only express the good, or if it meant that I should be addressing or working on my negative traits. It could go both ways, I guess.

At the end, I asked the dream itself to show me something important and I looked up and there was a commercial plane flying really low. I woke myself up at this point b/c I was scared of what I might see…I didn’t want to see a crash and dead bodies.

I’m interested in other peoples’ experiences with this, too (asking the dream or DC’s what they represent).

in part of my LD last night. i asked my dream to please give me greater awareness. after asking this twice i remember it geting a bit clearer. i also was able to fly alot better. i did think by asking this that i would be able to remeber my dream better. that did not work i only remember bits and pieces. could also be that i was lucid for so long.

yes i have read waggoners book. although this topic was not ment for DC’s it is ok scene unexpected events happend in our dreams. in my LD last night i saw my child hood step brothers. i have not seen or heard from them scense i was 8 and they are no longer my step brothes. any way i wonderd what they were doing there but had a strong urge to ask michale who he realy was. i asked him this over and over but he just looked away with a blank expressiont and ignored me. i got frustrated and started to shake him. telling him your going to tell me who you realy are because i know your not the real michale. i touched and moved his face to look at me. at that moment his face turnd old and he said john petterson. i was shocked for i do not know any one by that name.

in my dream on dec. 19th. i asked my dream to show me something important too. i also seen an aircraft appear but it was not an airplane it was a spaceship. then a sign appeared in the distance it had words on it but it was to far to make them out and the dream would not let me get any closer. i looked back at the spaceship and it was gone. then i looked back at the sign and it turned into a map but i still could not get to it. after that i asked to see that importance again. the space craft came back and before it could take off again i was able to fly to it and board it. on the top deck it looked like a maze. i did not have to move because the platform started to move toward a knee high tunnel of light. i stayed put to see what would happen. i told myself no matter what happends i will be ok. inside the tunnel there was an air latch above i could see through it. a man walked out of a door to open the latch for me but before he did i woke up into a false awakening… in the false awakening i wanted to write my dream in my notebook but had the urge to floss my teeth it felt like there was something in my bottom teeth. i went to grab some floss but it was like straight colored tooth picks. i pulled some out and it got sucked back in the container. i did this twice and thought this isnt right im still dreaming. i went to my bed room door and seen glowing words all over the door. i was too startled to try to read them and tried to open the door. as soon as i did i was being sucked out and i had the feeling ghosts were out there. i tried to force myself to wake up. i appeared back in bed and knew i was still not awake. i tried to wake myself up and i was moving all over the bed but at the same time i couldnt move. i called out for my girlfriend to wake me up. she rolled over and said levi wake up levi wake up. finally i did wake up i looked at my girl friend and she was sound asleep. i thought wow my first false awakening what a rush… . . . . . . . . . . i think when we ask to see something of importance we should be more specific and ask the dream questions along the way like what does this mean or how is this important. something like that. . . . . . . if anyone has any interactions with their unconscience share them here please. also any feed back would be great.