Astral Projection or Not?

I am having a normal dream, kind of weird, I still remember it, but it’s not interesting so I won’t talk about it… suddenly, I realize I’m dreaming, because what is happening in that dream is bad and I can’t believe it is happening to me

As soon as I realize that I’m dreaming, I’m back in my room, sitting on my bed, lights on. Soon I notice that my vision is blured, and that my limbs (especially my legs) cross each other. I conclude that I’m still dreaming, but this is not a FA, because I found myself sitting on my bed, so I had just forgotten that I was dreaming because the scenery changed from a strange one to a more realistic one.

I decide to leave my body and float onward, I easily succeed in doing that. I go near the wall, and try to pass through it, I enter a few inches into the wall, then I’m gently sent backward. I turn back and try to levitate, I do that easily. Now I want to see if I can get back to my body and wake up instantly just by thinking that I’m in my bed. Again I succeed, within a second, I’m in my bed, and I open my eyes.

When I open my eyes, I clearly see different colours floating, just like the colours of an aura, but they soon disappear and I completely wake up.

I never keep the lights on when I want to sleep, but that time, exceptionally, I did, and when I “projected”, the lights were on.
But I don’t have any memory of having been surprised by the realism of the experience, things weren’t so consistent and clear, so I’m not sure it is a projection.
Keep in mind the proven possibility to go from a lucid dream to a projection (Astral to Real Time Zone).

Any idea what it was?

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

I think it definatly could have been astral projection, but one thing to keep in mind, is that the mind was probably aware the lights were on and that could have been factored into the “dream”. Almost just like a FA when your surroundings are just as they would have been while awake. Sounds like an interesting experience anyways especially with the colors you saw while awake!

omg! even i had Astral thing —well vibrations that i think one gets when he she is suppose to OOBE — well i had that last night and was so excited that it ended and i went back to ND’s. man it was cool-! i wonder what ur situation was–seeing colors is always fun especailly when they look like aura colors! :smile:

What are these vibrations?

The vibrations are said to be a step in the right direction in attempt to astral project. Now, not everyone gets them, but for some it helps them to know when they should try to “leave” their body. The vibrations kinda feel like waves of electricity going through you. They can be subtle, or not so subtle. :tongue: It occurs usually after your body has fallen asleep. Or is going to.

Well, thats all I have right now…correct me if i’m wrong on anything.