I’m just curious as to how many LDers use the WBTB technique.
So I’m starting this post for those who do.
If you are up in the middle of the night doing WBTB, log in and let me know what time it is for you. If you have an LD after having gone back to bed do a follow up and let us know.
For me it’s 4AM, got up at 3:30, wrote down my dreams, logged in to LD4all and created this post. Going to meditate for half an hour now, and will go to back to bed afterward telling myself that I will become lucid.
Well, it took me an hour to get to sleep after meditating, I had an amazing vivid dream, in which I was a detective, and dodging bullets like Neo. I did get lucid for just a split second before I abruptly woke up in RL wide awake and not able to get back to sleep.
It’s holidays for me and have alarm clocks going at 4:00, 5:40 and 7:00. Most of the times I can’t force myself to do a WBTB-attempt and just fall asleep directly after filling in about 10 words in my DJ. I’ll do another attempt this night, but I don’t think I’ll make it to my PC before i fall asleep again.
3:32. Great recall. Trying to type as quietly as possible so as not to bug my roommate.
(I think there have been one or two of these topics. )
I really am no good at searching and finding topics am I?
I did not do WBTB last night, am doing it every other night. I wonder how many LDers really go through the trouble of getting up in the middle of the night so they can become lucid. Maybe most don’t need to?