Atchhoo! What do you say after that?

I’m curious what you say after somone sneezes in different languages/countries

I know that in english you say “God Bless you” or “bless you”

In sweden you say “prosit” and I think that comes from Latin.

And i think atleast these two comes from that in the past you believed that sneezes has something to do with demons/evil spirits.

In Portuguese, we say “Saúde!” (Health!), though my great grandfather (the one I met IRL) used to say “Deus te livre, Deus te salve, Deus te dê um filho macho!” ([I hope] God bless you, God save you, God gives you a male son!) :content:

“proost” or “gezondheid” in dutch :smile:

and i have been blessed many many times this week because i have sneezed so much :content:

In french you say, “A vos Souhait!” Which is translated literaly to: To your Wishes.

and in spanish you say “Salud” which means health.

i personally don’t say anything. :tongue:

If I’m at home, it’s God Bless You. At school I just say Bless You, seeing as everyone there isn’t the same religion. (though in my hick town most are Christian, so it’s a safe bet =p)

Actually, when someone sneezes in front of me, i say “try doing that with your eyes open…”

You’re so good looking. Yes, I actually say that (if anything).

It is “Prosit” in Norway :cool:

Same. Seinfeld rocks.

“noroc” in Romanian which i think means luck

“blugh” :razz:

In Norway we say “prosit”. Personally though, I don’t say anything. My family and friends never use/used it, so I have never gotten the habit of using it either.

I’m with Dark Matter. I don’t really say anything.

Seeing that I speak English, I would say “Bless you”
Unfortunatley for me, if my mind has wandered, instead I’ll look up and shout, “Thanks!”

Yes or we say “HOLD DEG FOR MUNDEN!” or “Ikke nyss på meg!”.
I sey noting…

same as Q, just without “proost” (cheers):stuck_out_tongue: you say that after a toast more:P

i laugh unless its a hot girl. lol :tongue:

let me see…

I’ll say: “Salud”, “Dios te Bendiga”, "Salud con leche fresca (for the kids) and “Bless you”

Do they get the fresh milk after that? :tongue: