Hello, I just joined today and I’ve already got a question to ask. I am very interested in Lucid Dreaming but have not actually had a LD…well actually when I was a little kid I had one. I was on a playground and realized there were dinosaurs everywhere. I knew then I was dreaming and since I was only in second grade at the time I decided the best was to have fun in my dream was to yell out as many curse words as possible. Sure enough I did not get in any trouble like I would of in my normal life. At that age, I had no idea what a LD was or anything. Never really happend again.
Lately I’ve tried to make myself LD again…my methods are:
-Repeat in my head before I fall asleep “You are going to dream and be aware of it”…etc. Stuff like that…
-I pinch myself on the arm several times a day hoping that when I fall asleep that night I will pinch myself and not feel pain and realize I’m dreaming. As I mentioned before, I had a LD when I was younger and I remember pinching myself in the dream…
and thats about it. I come to this site, read and try to keep the subject of LDing fresh in my mind so it may turn up in a dream and trigger lucidity…
So can anyone give me some hints of what else I can do. I’ve been trying this for about a week. I am getting very vivid and fun dreams but I want to become lucid and make a hobby of my dreams.
My REAL question is does daily pot-smoking affect dreaming? I believe I read somewhere you dream less or don’t remember your dreams when you smoke dope on a regular basis. Can someone confirm this, maybe?
I’m not at all promoting drug use, but since I’ve been smoking marijuana a lot , I have STRONG recollections of dreams. When I’m stoned and even when I’m not. It’s a very weird feeling…I’ll try to explain. I’ll be doing something and then I get a 2second dejavu of a dream I had recently. Not always a mental picture feeling of the person in my dream but just a weird feeling. As you see I’m having trouble putting this in words. I’m not sure if this is because of all the weed I’m smoking or what…but I don’t mind it one bit. It’s a nice feeling…can anyone relate to this?