Attempting to LD/drug use and dreaming....

:confused: Hello, I just joined today and I’ve already got a question to ask. I am very interested in Lucid Dreaming but have not actually had a LD…well actually when I was a little kid I had one. I was on a playground and realized there were dinosaurs everywhere. I knew then I was dreaming and since I was only in second grade at the time I decided the best was to have fun in my dream was to yell out as many curse words as possible. Sure enough I did not get in any trouble like I would of in my normal life. At that age, I had no idea what a LD was or anything. Never really happend again.

Lately I’ve tried to make myself LD again…my methods are:

-Repeat in my head before I fall asleep “You are going to dream and be aware of it”…etc. Stuff like that…
-I pinch myself on the arm several times a day hoping that when I fall asleep that night I will pinch myself and not feel pain and realize I’m dreaming. As I mentioned before, I had a LD when I was younger and I remember pinching myself in the dream…

and thats about it. I come to this site, read and try to keep the subject of LDing fresh in my mind so it may turn up in a dream and trigger lucidity…
So can anyone give me some hints of what else I can do. I’ve been trying this for about a week. I am getting very vivid and fun dreams but I want to become lucid and make a hobby of my dreams.

My REAL question is does daily pot-smoking affect dreaming? I believe I read somewhere you dream less or don’t remember your dreams when you smoke dope on a regular basis. Can someone confirm this, maybe?
I’m not at all promoting drug use, but since I’ve been smoking marijuana a lot , I have STRONG recollections of dreams. When I’m stoned and even when I’m not. It’s a very weird feeling…I’ll try to explain. I’ll be doing something and then I get a 2second dejavu of a dream I had recently. Not always a mental picture feeling of the person in my dream but just a weird feeling. As you see I’m having trouble putting this in words. I’m not sure if this is because of all the weed I’m smoking or what…but I don’t mind it one bit. It’s a nice feeling…can anyone relate to this? :tongue:

Hello, and welcome. :smile:

From my own experience, weed does kill off your dreams/dream recall, and I believe that’s what is generally accepted, but there are people who disagree completely. I really don’t know. It might vary from person to person.

Also, I wouldn’t suggest pinching yourself, because you can feel pain in your dreams. The best RC that I’ve found is pinching your nose shut tightly and attempting to breathe through it. That’s my suggestion anyway. Look around, you might find a RC that you like more.

Well, that’s about all I can contribute. See you around. :smile:

Well Vae Victus Addressed everything in your post and I completely agree. Most drugs and alcohol can have a negative effect on your dreams. At least from what other people have reported it may help in the beginning but, your body quickly adapts to it. Generally speaking marijuana and alcohol kill’s Dreaming and dream recall. If you find it completely impossible to give up smoking then I suggest you don’t do it close to bed time.

I also suggest you
=> do regular RC. ( not pinching your self )
a) read something 2x and see if the writing changes.
b) try to change something in your environment with thought alone.
c) Read a digital clock look away and then look back
d) close your mouth and pinch your nose if you can still breath you are dreaming

=> Keep a dream journal and write in it every morning.

Good luck and happy dreaming