lmfao a brain or vision disorder. wow they are really scrapping in tehe dark there.
For two years now i have been training to see them. I have become to the point that if i try i see a natural creamy white sort of color around people. I see green around my own body when i am med or have just finished, i see blue when people are being creative or thinking about somthing spirtual. (these colors are waht i see not from any book, i feel waht the books say are not at all true, but than again maybe i havent read a good book)
I dont think it has anything to do with the opp color. And i sure as hell dont think it has to do with you haveing a problem in the brain. I might go to that web site and give em some
Anyways. Everything has an aura right. living dead, moving or not moving. you get the point. The aura is somthing that the brain seems to have blocked out. because anyone can see it with time, and practice. just like anything else i guess.
So i think the brain blocks this out for two reasons or maybe three lol.
We no longer need to see them and there are also a lot of other crap flying around ie. sound waves radio stuff and whatever else we can pick up.
We blocked them out because they have become a nussance to have around. Think about this, when we had them a long time ago and everyone could see them, we saw maybe 20 people in a day. Now a adays you see well over 1000 people in a day if not more. well i do so we need to tone down our sences, just like we do with our hearing and how bright things are too.
3.Society has stated they dont exist so people who think they see them at a young age, try and not see them so they can fit in with the rest of us.
Right points made i think. That is just my theory so dont blast at me anyone, i didnt get that out of a book, just off my head, but by all means disagree if u like, or add onto it.
Auras i think are somthing that we all can see. and we always have been able to. Just like the other stuff taht “psychics” can do. I hate that term cause it makes psychic look better than any one else. or they have somthign that we dont. they should be called gifted with abiltys not psychic.
Everyone one of us has to some degree psychic abiltys. You do trust me. Some time in your life, you will know waht some 1 else is thiniing, you will have a dream about the future you will proablly see a spirt too, but you , if you are like the rest of this world, will pretend you didnt, so there for block out any further chance of enhancing you abilty.
Sorry about the spelling lol i am very tired