auto suggestion

Here’s the deal, Auto suggestion works wonders for me in 2 ways, if i use the mantra “remember my dreams” it helps my dream recall sooo much, and if i use it to wake up at a certain time that also works very well for me, but as far as helping me become lucid it just doesn’t work, I was wondering if anyone had some suggestions

Moved from General Lucidness. :dragon:

What were your mantras that you’ve tried? Maybe you simply choose the wrong ones.

Autosuggestion is generally harder to use for becoming lucid than DR or waking up. I’d keep trying, and increase the amount you repeat them and your focus as you’re saying them.

I’m an amateur hypnotist and very successful in achieving the same tasks that you’ve posted about – and I have the same block. I believe that what’s happening is what happens whenever two opposed suggestions are being activated – nothing. So, my quest is to figure out what I’m doing to oppose my intentions to be lucid in my dreams.

I’ve read people sayin that the SC doesn’t really know the meaning of the word “lucid”, so you should use something like “realize I’m dreaming”. I’m not sure how much truth there is to that, though. But changing the wording a bit might help.

In my study of LD4all forum and other forum posts, I’ve noticed that some frequent lucid dreamers have been able to get lucid using the word “lucid” or even spelling it. The SC is very logical. I’ve been wondering about the same thing: does the SC understand the word lucid? My observation is yes. What do others think?

I don’t see why the SC couldn’t understand the word lucid. I mean heck, it’s a part of your mind and you know what lucid is. I think the bigger trouble is when newer dreamers don’t quite understand what lucid means, and it’s in this case I think “realize I’m dreaming” might work a little better.

i think the SC of frequent lucid dreamers learned the meaning of the word “lucid”.
but i think with some practice it will understand the word. :content: