Autosugestion can only wake my up

Not long ago I tried to fall asleep using these mantras:
After 5 hours, I will become lucid.
After 1 hour I will realize I’m dreaming.
After 40 minutes I will know I’m dreaming.

I woke up with 5 minutes accuracy all three times. So my autosuggestion, autosuggests, but it only wakes me up.

Should I use autosuggestion with “weaker words”: “after 5 hours I will notice something”, or “I will remember this moment”, or maybe just “after 5 hours”?

I started to feel that the harder I try, the harder it is for me to not have a LD that night. Last days were quite hard for me IRL, but I will try to stay optimistic at least when I fall asleep.

Usually I have bigger success with waking up then becoming lucid when using mantra. But that is not something that bothers me…

But it’s maybe better to use mantra like you said: after 5 hours I will realize that I’m dreaming or something like that. Because sometimes word lucid is not translatable in the best way… So maybe it’s better to seek for realization not lucidness…

And sometimes is important to let go things, sometimes less means more! :content:

For me the “I will know I’m dreaming” hasn’t worked at all. Maybe try saying something like “tonight, while dreaming, I will do a nose RC”. It may sound somewhat long and weird but it has worked for me and I think that focusing on specific actions rather than just “I’ll know” helps. Or you can make up a mantra that involves you seeing a DS of yours.

Also, just out of curiosity, do you count your mantras in lithuanian or english?

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Your autosuggestions sound good, but perhaps you should make them more specific like Kristaps said. Also, if they keep waking you up then it’s a good opportunity for you to do an rc and give yourself another autosuggestion. Don’t give up hope! There’s always work arounds :wink:


My dreams so far involves either people that I met before 2 months, or people who I haven’t seen at all, everything else is different in every dream. I thought it could be a DS but IRL meeting people and plugging my nose… :eh: that could look suspicious.

That’s why I tried to do autosuggestion. Autosuggest an RC sounds interesting, gonna give it a try.

As for motivation:
I tried to use alarms so I would do RC every 10 minutes, but after few hours I was like: I know I’m not dreaming, :grrr:

lol Perhaps set your alarms for the hours that your mantras correspond to. Also being like “in 4 hours I will do WBTB”, but obviously more specific than that. You could do something noninvasive when you meet people like poking your finger through your hand under a table or something. Auto suggestions and rcs work best when used together :razz:

If you wake up after 4.5 or 6 hours, you can always do a WBTB and/or WILD :smile:. Personally, I use autosuggestion for this purpose as I can’t use an alarm clock, however, It doesn’t always wake me up at these times.