Awesome :P

Still not a LD but today I really feel I have advanced :smile:

I set an alarm 6 hours after I went to sleep in order to perform WILD. Amazingly I woke up like half an hour before (I never do because I’m a really deep sleeper) and I decided to try WILD even before the alarm rang.
So I went to bed and decided to go for the CWILD method. Just yesterday I read how important it is to FALL ASLEEP instead of keeping your mind awake… And I guess it really helped me.
I made counting sort of a secondary process -> I was just counting subconsciously (hard to explain). Anyway - while counting I had this sort of scenario going in my head where my friend was being instructed by someone how to LD.
When my body got to the point of falling asleep my friend also began falling asleep -> at that point he said that he is being forced to swallow really fast and the instructor said: “Yes yes!! That’s the way it’s supposed to be!” I also started swallowing like crazy and that’s when I had this most awesome feeling of sinking in to my bed :razz: I felt my body falling and my hands raising towards the ceiling.
When that ended I did a RC and I guess I wasn’t dreaming yet :sad: What’s strange is that I obviously wasn’t even in SP since I could move my hand easily for the RC. It’s weird that I got the sinking feeling but wasn’t in SP :confused: How come?

The main message of this post -> FALL ASLEEP!! --> best advice ever for WILDers. I guess my post also proves that you shouldn’t worry about swallowing :smile:
I have one question tho :smile: How close was I? :tongue: Did I just screw up by doing a RC?

wow very nice i havent gotten that far yet in all my wild attempts XD

and you did good but it seems like you didnt fully shift to your dream body yet and you brought your self back so i think you needed to wait a bit longer
some one else will know better

but thanks for the advice every time i have tried to wild i focus to much on the counting and it keeps me awake so i think imma gonna try what you did :slight_smile:
good luck

You were focused on your dream body, which is a good thing. You just moved the wrong set of hands :razz:

Next time try to passively move those hands by thinking…

Sadly moving your hands would have disrupted your attempt. The good news is that the state you were in is the perfect time to start incubating your own dream. What I’ve found helpful is to imagine myself rolling out of bed (not actually doing it, mind you). Also, a quick switch to VILD can also get you really far if you’re a daydreamer.

I just have a question… You said I should imagine rolling out of bed… How does lucid dreaming then feel like you were in your own body if you have to make every movement by imagining? I thought you actually feel the body and move it like in real life o.O

Well think about it, dreams are made up of your imagination, so in fact you are imagining of moving your body when you do something in a dream, even if it feels like moving your real body. The transition from wake to dream, however, is more of a blurred/mixed condition, and as such, you still partially control your real body with your muscle signals, while the dream body has to be moved with what we call imagination/visualization by daytime.

Give a big hand to my lovely assistant, tosxyChor :clap: :razz:

But yes, like tosxy said the reason I said imagi is because for a little while you have control over both your real and your dream body. At this point imagination can control your dream body, but will obviously not control your real one. Once you feel strongly anchored in the dream you can switch to moving like normal. In the case of rolling out of bed, that’s usually once you hit the floor.

Hey so last night I woke up for FILD and actually managed to stay still and do the exercise…
Anyway… I after like 20 seconds had this amazing rush over my body and I FELT my dream arms and legs as they moved when the rush came over (I hope it wasn’t just my imagination running to wild). However I couldn’t move them consciously or unconsciously… I played around with some dream scenarios but it wouldn’t suck me in…
So what I wanna know is - How do I move my body parts in a dream lol :smile: Weird question I know…

Like tosxy and I said before, imagining moving them is a good start. If you can daydream it, you can dream it.