I had an awsome LD! It was very vivid. I was in a airport bathroom and every thing was clean and blue. I think it was an airport and i dont know why. And then i realized it was a dream and i started walking to the exit and then i blinked and opened my eyes and blinked again and was scared that i would wake up so i started to fly while in the bathroom and woke up only like 3 feet off the ground. What can i do if i uncontrollably blink? what the heck…
I could be wrong, but I don’t think blinking should cause you to wake up. I’ve closed my eyes in a lucid dream before with no problem.
I think it was the thought, or maybe the FEAR of waking up that caused you to do so.
Just try not to think about waking up and concentrate on what you’re doing. Try spinning around if you think you might wake up soon. The sensation of spinning will help you stay in your dream, and may cause a change of scene as well.
Good luck with your next LD, hopefully it’ll last longer!
thanks i hope so too
total ld’s in my life is 5 or 6. 2 in one night but they were only 3 seconds long :\
Blinking can wake you up, but only if you (un)consciously expect such an action-reaction will take place. In any case, side-effects like uncontrollable blinking are often signs of low to medium level lucidity, where you’re still highly affected by the dream and subconscious associations/expectations with waking life. But they can also be signs of a lack of experience. These side-effects are like growing pains you have to conquer if you want to become a more regular and expert LDer. I don’t think it’s something to worry about for now… but if you keep having the same problem over and over, try to calm your mind and repeat to yourself it’s all a dream. Then also know this blinking is an illusion, so let it stop while using your mind. You could also shout very loud “MAKE THIS ANNOYING BLINKING STOP!!”, because this strengthens the expectations that it will stop indeed.
Good luck
what you said about having expectations like waking life is the problem. I remember i was about to fly and i thought “this wont work im in a closed room.” then i woke up. I guess i need to reming my self anything is possible since im dreaming.
I’ve had my fair share of blinking dreams. What usually happens now is that I close my eyes, stop myself, think “DAMN I’m an idiot!” and then the first thing I do is grab for the nearest object. It can be something that you saw prior to closing your eyes, or it could just be a random object you expect to be there. Always ALWAYS do this, because once you take out the visual aspect of your dream you need to rely on your other senses to keep you in there. Otherwise you’ll wake up. I feel around the object and try to stabilize the dream. Then when I’m pretty sure it’s stable enough (I want to be touching, hearing, smelling, or tasting anything possible) I open my eyes while facing the object my hands are feeling. Usually I know what the object is and expect to see it when I open up. I keep rubbing the object as I open my eyes. Another way I’ve found is seeing through my eyelids. Remember in your dream when you blink, you’re not really blinking- your eyelids are FAKE. So I just grab an object and try to see it, or I just try to recreate what I was seeing prior to blinking.
I used to have the same problem. I did not blink but at times I would close my eyes then open them and I would wake up . A neat trick I learned here on ld4all was if you shut your eyes don’t open them. Instead try and see through your eyelids. You will see the dream come back.
Good luck
thanks, but in my dreams i am not usually thinking very clearly. I realize its a dream and in the excitment i do somthing and wake up.
It might help then if you just take a moment to calm yourself first then use a stabilizing/prolonging technique like rubbing your hands together to help anchor your dream. Anyway it sounds to me like you just need experience. I takes a while to get used to being lucid.
Things will get better.
i blink for no reason sometimes too…in fact…thats what ended one of my LDs this week!