Azu's Out of Body Diary

Ok, I decided that nothing really important happens when I LD, I mainly just fly around or piss someone off till they start fighting me and then keep making fun of them(heh im a bully). But when I have an OOBE I usually retain enough of my sense to remember experiments that Ive been working on. So Ill start:

OOBE #1:
I wakeup in bed after doing the WBTB method,everything is strange and there is this humming sound which is sorta overpowering everything. I decide to move to the side and out of my body, yay It worked. Wow, Im in an extremely cloudy OOBE and I try to get clarity but I just end up losing it and returning to my sleeping body. But no need to fear, it is stll paralysed so all it takes is a little focus and Tthere I am OOB again. This time it is much clearer and I can see my body laying on my bed. I remember reading about healing while OOB(ive got tendonitus and desperately want to play the guitar again), something about calling for a healing light or angel to come down into my presence. I begin to pray for this to happen, and well nothing really happened. So I decided to demand that my body become healed. Then I find myself back in my body.
But whats that my bodies not ready for me yet, no problem Ill just go OOB again:) This time I decide to see whats going on upstairs, I can hear the rest of my familly prepairing for school in the morning. So up I go, I see my mom standing at the counter, I decide to throw something at the sink to see if she notices, nope not a flinch. So to the outside now, I decide to just jump onto the tree out front. I wasn’t expecting this, but when I was coming down on the tree I was completely scared shitless, I mean Im afraid of heights but this is OOB I know Ill be fine. I keep on jumping trying to get rid of this fear and it sorta works, but before I get the opportunity to Really test myself Im back in my body, and it is wanting me to roll over now so I know Im done with my travels tonite.
Conclusion: next time I go out of body, Im gonna just try to scare the shit out of myself by jumping off a skyscraper, heh that aught to get me over the fear of hights. And I also want to see my spirit guide, maybe it can help me on my mission to get rid of tendonitus. Thats 2 OOBE’s in 1 night, cant wait for tonite8)

While you’re at it, maybe the two of you can jump off of a skyscraper together! :tongue:
But seriously, do you mainly just use the WILD technique to induce OOBE?

Hmm, why not have someone to hang out with while OOB:)
Yea, sometimes I end up having a LD, but lately everytime I do WILD after WBTB, I just sorta realize that my body isn’t moving, or I just wake up, i dont really know what happens but I just realize that its time. Its quite amazing really, Ive had at least 3-4 OOBE’s a week. Usually multiple in 1 night because everytime I go back I end up just laying there in my bed, and all it takes is a littly focus and no intent on using my body and Im out again

Hmm, with a little hope, and a lot of love :wink: maybe something will happen tonite. My ND’s are just too crazy :neutral:

why not share a few with us then :happy:

I see what he means. Some dreams are just too crazy to explain.

Lol, well heres one for the diary I guess.
Im in a mansion on the top of a mountain looking out of a room that is on the peak of an enormous cliff. I can see two storms affecting a town that is down the mountain. 1 storm seems to be a wild lightning storm while the other is a tornado storm. They just seem to be chillin in one spot, and tearing the town apart. I just look at my friend and he just acts like he always does with a quick “ya dude” and then goes back to watching. I get way into looking at the storms and then uh-o, fall down the cliff and start running my little ass off. By now its like I am watching myself run because if I were actually doing the running I would probably just freak out and start crying or something. End.

Dream/OOBE #2:
I was having a dream about moving out of my moms house into an appartment with a friend of mine. There was a chick in the room across from us and for some reason we never closed our doors. When I finally got all moved in we asked this girl if she wanted to celebrate with us for me just moving in, she didn’t say anything and just proceeded to shut her door :eh: . Then as I was going to sleep, I had an OOBE, while dreaming, so it was like I completely forgot about waking reality and was convinced that I had moved out and was now in my appartment and out of body. I decided to go thru the door, the first try ended with me just running into it, but then a second later I went right thru. I then went up into that girls room and she was just sitting on her couch looking at me. We proceeded to start making out, and then I just ended up back in my appartment with David(my roomate). I also had some problems with school or something, but that part of the experience was kind of shady. In the end we were just getting drunk and playing caps.

Conclusion: I probably need a girlfriend. Like some femenin energy to even myself out, I think Im getting to overly concerned with the future and just need to take a look around at my current situation.

Dream/OOBE #3:
IIm at my friend kells house and me him and tyler decide to jam out. I pic the classical, kells on electric, ty on bass. We start out with a jam that kel made but it didn’t last long. Thhen, all of a sudden its like we are partying. There are like 6 people over and we are just drinking(well they are) and watching tv/video games. a few girls come over wanting to smoke cigarrets(lol sp.). Im tired so i decide to go out of body. Im sucessful and try kicking a few people to see if it worked, they dont move/say anything so i think its a go. then i walk into a hall and try putting my hands thru the wall, i cannot really tell if this works, but i see a lot of static between my hand and the wall.

Next i decide to heal my body, so i walk ovver to it and start praying for health, but im not very focused. out of nowhere some kid starts fighting my body, so i go back into it to defend myself. we start brawlin but im just woppin him, maybe its because hes drunk or it is my dream. after a bit he iis knocked out. funny thing is, i seem to be in my boxers and sweating refusely :shy: but it doesn’t really bother me and i just go dress myself. while im dressing(hey i thought i had my boxers on?) this girl, samantha, starts asking someone questions about me but her voice is all i hear. shes like “what was he doing and who is he?”. i dunno if anyone answers her.

after i get dressed, we hed over to a backyard(its daytime now) and there are a few more friends. dusty asks me what happened and i just say i was asleep. then he asks what i was doing and(for some reason) i just tell him i went out of body. he thought about out of body for a few moments and said “man jim, your wild”. next i wanted to try and be cool with my attacker so i go up to him and tell him i have no hard feelings, but he seems to be pissed so i give up. i then walk over to that samantha girl and ask her if she has a boyfriend, she says yes but then jumps on me and starts kissing me.

my dreamm ends here, but while im laying in bed i start to hear like an emergency alarm system and it starts saying something abou the jupitor moon lander, appearently a meteor hits the moon as the lander is video taping and it looks like the meteor is going to coast in the sky for a bit, but somehow it just decides to fall straitt down in view of the lander. i hear scietists saying things like “this means” but none finish. i figure it means that the moon has a very strong gravity. end.

conclusion: ? dunno, maybe dont party? :confused:

OOBE #4:
I was in a highly vivid HI state where I was driving a boat around in iceberg filled water. I was just jumping the boat around and getting it to jump higher and higher. At some point I became sorta lucid(it was sort of a dream but not very normal as far as my dreams go) and decided to scare myself out of my body. I jumped the ship sooo high and then jumped out of it even higher. As I was falling that insane sence of fear krept over me and I fell strait down then when I hit the ground started tumbling. After all that I just sorta appeared in my body and then hopped out. I looked at my body to check it out, but it wasn’t exactly there. There were 2 other male bodies in my bed and one of them was starting to wake up. It was like me jumping out woke them up. I then woke up fairly quickly.

Conclusion: I think that the two other bodies might represent other parts of me that need to be awakened. I think if I do that then my OOBE’s will be a lot more focused and vivid. Because if they are other parts of my consciousness then opening them up will only give me more control over my entire essence. Im not exactly sure if the second part of me still in the bed was male or female, since it was fully under covers and my vision was kinda shady. Maybe its a sign of me needing to open up the femenin part of my consciousness. I totally believe that male and female are just two parts of the whole.

would you like your journal moved to the beyond dreaming forum? since they are all OBEs?
The decision is upto you ofcourse :smile:

That will probably work out better. Im kinda just gonna be working on methods to induce out of body experiences here anyways so that would be cool if you could do that for me. Instead of just making another topic.

OOBE #5:
This was probably my worst OOBE to date. It was soo realiztic that when I went to go thru the ceiling I just started to crumble and I was like s*** I cant be dreaming. So I was all freaked out and just layed back down. I also got to hear that loud popping noise people talk about when going out. I eventually went out of body once more and it was a pretty clear experience. I went upstairs in my house and decided to go outside(there usually is amaizing sounds outside). I tried walking thru the wall but ent up at the start of the room, tried walking thru the door twice and had the same thing happen, it was like my mind wouldn’t let me do what I want and made me start back over when I broke rules.
I eventually just opened the door and went outside. Everything was completely different. There were houses across the street(I live across from a school) and up on a hill to the left there was like a military test site with intense looking jets and stuff. I decided to fly over to the jet and test it out. I had a dificult time flying over there, it was like when I would rize up I would start falling back and then have to work twice as hard to get there. When I finally did, for some reason I was scared to death that my body might be following me. I still tried to fly the thing, but I just couldn’t figure it out and decided to giv e up after not much effort. The OOBE ends here.

Conclusion: To me this means that I am way to fearful of things in my life and that I just need to let things be.