Yup, the little globulets of white cheese covered in red wax. About a year ago just after starting a dream journal i started to eat Babybel cheese tablets. One a night. I discovered shortly that the entries in my dream journal grew from a one or two line quippit to a quarter of a page long paragraph. I started remembering dreams like they were movies i had just watched, rather than a cheesey (no pun intended) commercial. I eventually had a lucid dream, though i cannot remember if i had had any cheese that night.
Of course, after a while i got sick of the taste and i think it lost it’s effect on my sub-concious. Has anyone else tried this before?
Wow…I haven’t had that cheese for years. I used to like it too, so maybe I will give it a go. Thanks for posting this, I think this will be a nice little experiment to try out for a while. Just the ritual of peeling it and eating it before bed while you contemplate dreaming has got to help too!
Is it very expensive I wonder?
It is Edam cheese I think…so if the little mini-cheeses aren’t available or are too expensive to eat every day, we could always substitute with a nice big slice of Edam.
lol! I hate the taste of that cheese, but love un-wrapping it (my inner child comes out:D) ) If you search around a bit I think You’ll find a topic all about cheese and how cheese and milk products are good for LDing and dream recal because of how it unsettles your stomach or something along those lines. Anyway, that’s great that your dream recal is getting better
The only probelm is… we’ve run out!!! It’ll be a while until we get some more as you can only buy it in the city, and we live in a small out-of-the-way hole-in-the-ground. Tonight i’ll have to try just ordinary cheddar and see if it’s as effective.
I think chedder will be as good, because I think it’s just the dairy in the cheese that effects your dreams. Try out a variety of different cheeses, and let us know what works the best