Bazar Experience

I don’t know if I’m in the right spot or not so if I’m not someone please be so kind as to move me :grin:
I had a bazar experience. It was this morning around 10:30 am when I was putting my daughter down for a nap and I fell asleep along side of her. I started to do a MILD before I fell a sleep. When i woke up but before I opened my eyes I could see my daughters face I thought wow I don’t need my eyes to see this is incredible it was like a really vivid HI or something but i never felt like i was really looking at someone with out using my eyes before. I got the feeling that this was something i could do on command if I practiced it. I don’t know how else to explain it. Anyone else have a similar experience? :smile:

One time a friend of mine was puttering around the house during one of my sleep paralysis episodes, so not only was I not afraid, (more frustrated because the phone was ringing and I couldn’t get up to answer it) but I could see her walking up to shake me awake. I asked her if my eyes were open even a little bit, since that’s what I heard the explanation was for clear vision of the room around you in sleep paralysis, and she said no.

I think it’s a manifest clairvoyance, except set to ‘physical’ and ‘now’ instead of auras, ghosts, and the future or past. I haven’t been able to make it as reliable as Roald Dahl’s “Henry Sugar” but I thought it was still kind of neat. :smile:

If I try I can sometimes sense my surroundings with my eyes shut, or/and whatever is behind me. It’s not very clear or precise though, so if I was to try to walk around with my eyes shut, I would clip something if I came close. (I am anywhere from an few centimeters to about 15 cm off.)
It can be pretty useful if you think someone is sneaking up on you and want to remain inconspicuous. :tongue: (heh, I’ve scared people by telling them to stop following me without turning around. :ebil: )

Sounds pretty weird, doesn’t it? :tongue:

Wow that is amazing! Has anything like that every happen again?

You know there are blind people that have mastered the ability of being able to see with out eyes. Kind of like a bat, I saw it on a TV show once. They can walk down the street and sense when people are in there path or any other objects and they are right on!
You know when your in a public place like a mall or club and you can feel tension in the air I mean literally feel it, and then shortly afterwards a fight breaks out. I think that falls along the same lines as what you where describing being able to feel when people are starring at you. We have a lot more power in ourselves then we realize.