Last night I had 2 LDs In one of them, I became lucid when in front of my bedroom mirror. I noticed my hair was shoulder-length. I got a new haircut about 2 months ago (it’s a very short one – above my ears) and I wondered how it was possible my hair was so long. I finally decided that it had to be a dream. Just to be sure, I looked at my hand. Sure enough, it had a sixth finger. A rather nasty sixth finger; it was bent and longer than the other ones. Eurgh…
That’s the third time I’ve become lucid from looking in that mirror. The mirror is kind of an obvious part of my room, so in the dream world when I pass it I usually end up glancing in. When I see myself looking different somehow, it’s usually the double-take type thing. I go over, look at myself, and then become lucid.
I was thinking, if we could all choose one place to become lucid… Preferrably a location that has a mirror or a huge sign that says “Look at your hand!!!” It would be ideal that it was a place you visited often IRL, so it would be easier for you to dream about it. I know a lot of people in this forum can probably make themselves dream about a certain thing… Well, if everyone learns to do that, which I hear isn’t too hard, becoming lucid will be pretty easy.
Yeah,that would be excellent:)
Btw…i dont know if uve seen it but there is an interesting topic “Lucid Crossroads at last” by Pantamillion which touches same thing in a more sophisticated way.You might be interested:)
take care
I think that those of you who often dream of being in your room are lucky! I never do … I think it would help because it would be easier to notice something weird.
A lot of my dreams seem to be somewhat vague placewise… with much more focus on the characters and “plot.”
Do you think there’s a reason that some people dream about being in their room and others don’t?
Sruthan – I dunno… I guess the question overall would be do certain people dream about certain places for certain reasons Most of my dreams take place in locations that I’ve never seen/been before. An interesting thing is that my room is the only place in my house I’ve ever been while dreaming… other than the basement, that one time…
You can teach yourself to dream about certain things. Try doing a google search for it. Then you can tell yourself to dream about being in your room…
daysong, that sounds like a great idea. But for me I rarely dream in my room, even when I have a FA it’s usually in a random house I don’t visit IRL, or a friend’s house. Although if I did, I would be sure to put a huge “YOU ARE DREAMING” banner on my wall .
Almost all of my dreams take place in familiar locations, and over the years I’ve been able to determine their meaning/symbolism and atmosphere… for instance, when I dream of the landscape around my village I always get lost in the roads… when I dream of the sea I’m very often swimming in it with other people, etc. Recurrent dreams are pretty normal for me, I hardly dream about locations I don’t know.
Anyway… I’ve started to use that recurrence to improve upon my dream memory. For instance when I can’t remember a dream, even though I know I had one… I go by all the familiar locations and situations, etc. I’ve tried to pick one location I went lucid in a dream before but so far all the times I went lucid it was ‘accidental’ and not because of any MILD techniques.
I don’t know but for the past week my mind is just… so lazy. It accepts everything in dreams, even with MILD and WBTB-then-MILD. I’ve tried to induce WILD but that only led to me not sleeping much. I really have to train myself to be more alert of my surroundings…
I suppose the reason why reality checks are often based on things you have with you - digital watch, fingers, hands… is because you don’t know if you’re going to dream about a certain location. However I think it may be possible to pick one location that you dream of a lot, and focus on it for a longer time, and keep thinking ‘when i’m there, i’ll become lucid’. Or even imagine yourself dreaming about that location and then becoming lucid, repeating that vision in your mind over and over until you dream about it and become lucid. Kind of like a ‘start’ point. Heck, people with their own house could decorate a ‘lucid room’ and practice becoming lucid there… who knows… there are many possibilities. ^^
Great idea about the “lucid room”, although it probably would require a lot of time and effort!
I understand what everyone is talking about here. Usually in my dreams, I’ll visit a different place each time. If it was a particularly vivid dream (I’ve only had one LD), I’ll write down details of the place. Sometimes I have vivid, non-lucid dreams where I spend a lot of time in a huge place. I always walk around; I can’t fly yet and there isn’t any transit in my dreams.
Sometimes when I write down details of a place in which one of my vivid dreams took place, I’ll attach a name to it. I’ll try to remember the name, a snapshot picture from my dream, and what I was doing at the place. Later in time, I’ll be dreaming, then I’ll visit one of those places AGAIN. I’ll realize I’m in the same place, but I still won’t realize I’m dreaming (which is sort of disappointing), but it is sort of fascinating when you can visit the same places again and again. I’ll try and associate my “places” with the fact that I’m dreaming, and hopefully, I’ll become aware!