after having my most recent lucid dream [without doing anything special] i got really really interested on this subject. i want to experience lucid dreams every night if possible. they are not only fun…but they helpme out sometimes. for instance…i lost my watch a year ago. and in my dream i found it somewhere downstairs in my house. the next day, i looked there, and damn…i found it. ive been trying the reality technique. i look at my watch every hour and make sure it stays the same after checking twice. i havnt had a lucid dream since starting it…but i hope i have another soon. i just want to ask everybody what they use to get a lucid dream…please post it here it would greatly help me.
hey you are on your way… really wanting it… I use intent… but that dosent work for everyone… and i dont have lucid dreams everyday… but one day i think i will get there:)
the dream where you found your glasses was very cool:)
do you have good dream recall? dream journals can really help your recall.
I use to use MILD, but it very rarely actually worked.
I just use RC and WBTB. This, by the way, is a very stupid thing to do . You should never get over confident and stop using techs. You’re actually less likely to have LD’s this way.
For the record, I’m also trying HILD (how to do it can be found in the ‘Quest for Lucidity’ forum). Y’know, so you don’t think I’m stupid and over confident . No luck with it thus far - but all techs take time .
I don’t do nothing to have LDs anymore, I’m just too lazy. The LDs keep coming regularly though
Whoa thats awesome about the watch, your subcontious has a good memory
i do keep a dream journal by my bed to write in. i stopped trying the reality tests because i just dont think those will work. im not working with the HILD testing…which you can read about in my other topic. it supposed to be more effective [of course] than the reality testings…and it sounds very friendly to people who are lazy. you only have to get up in the middle of the night for like 1 minute…and thats it. and lots of good results are coming from it. some having 2 lucid dreams in one night…which is very astanishing to me…because just have 1 a week would be the greatest. so im going to see if this HILD method works…and ill get back to ya. keep up the dreamin!
wow odd2k, I think that really helped him out!
Intention and reading this messageboard help me somtimes. I also concentrate on remembering my ND’s and often write them down. Making Lucid dreams the last thing you think about before bed is an advantage.