bed shaking,help

hi i’m new here, i really seriously would appreciate some feedback,first off i’ve had hypnagogia for about 10 years, just the auditory aspect of it, no visual hallucinations,second i’ve been interested in ld-ing for about 15 years, ive always been fascinated with the idea of using ld-ing to communicate with the dead,other spirits,ect, a couple months ago i had chain of bizarre dreams,ld’s related to that subject, soonafter,certain nights, my bed would start shaking,just prior to sleeping, losing consciousness,(twice waking up from dreaming, vibrating really hard)i don’t do drugs(besides taking a small mg of ambien evry night), have no history of mental illness(i’ve worked as a caseworker,psychiatric technician, currently in a pharmacy), don’t drink that often,and sure as hell have never been attention seeking, when it happened ,at my old residence, i blew it off as mabye the bed frame being broke or the pipes in the wall causing it, i just moved in to a new residence,using new bed(two matteresses)and its happening again, and i appreciate any reasonable explanations,feedback, that’d help me maintain my sanity(in all sincerity i want to conclude i’m not being haunted)

Hmm… I want to say that perhaps you have been thrashing around in your sleep. Other than that, I would truly have to say something related to spirits. Not to sound like the ghostbusters or anything, though.

Do you still have the problem if you move the bed somewhere else in the room? Or into another room?

with the exception of 1-2 times, this occurs before i’m sleeping, i’m definitly not thrashing around,when the shaking starts, i keep my body very still,to try to exclude any other possibilities,regarding moving bed- i just moved into a new apartment,new bed(just two mattresses on top eachother,no headboard) and the shaking reoccured two nights ago

it happens in Hypnagogia right? this kind of things also happens when you try WILD, i think it’s normal.

Maybe you can put a camera and you will see that your bed is not actually shaking and it’s only in your mind. If it is shaking in the camera though that would be really scary :scared:

The other night I thought my bed was shaking when I woke up… Then I realised it was me who was shaking… really badly… Muscle spasms perhaps?

thanks hindi, but i’m still confused,i’ve experienced this physical movement, in absence of hypnogogia,(i’ve repeatedly touched my body,numerous times, to ensure i’m not shaking) enough times-where i’ve sighed,repeated the mental statement with a clear conscious-what the fck is going on? in addition got a clean bill of health from the doctor

This was your astral body attempting to consciously leave your physical body. This happened to me as a kid and I didn’t know what was going on. I would be in bed, still some what conscious. Then all of the sudden I felt a jolt as if I just fell out of my bed. It still happens, and it’s ok.

I don’t know if you’re still going to read this (as it’s been quite some while ago you posted it). But I’ve been doing lots of research on OBE’s/astral projection/wild some months back and they’re all very similar. You just lay still for a while until your body becomes numb and heavy, then the hypnagogic imaginary comes followed by sounds and sometimes with some creepy thought of someone standing in your room (I forgot what it’s called, something with the word ‘hog’).

Then your body will start vibrating but as far as I know it isn’t really shaking, you just think it is, just like you feel like your heart is beating very fast while it actually isn’t. The buzzing/humming thing doesn’t last long and normally you go straight in a dream. This is the WILD method. I think to attempt an astral projection or OBE you shouldn’t let yourself get carried away by the imaginary, but some people just think these things are all the same.

Bottom line… I wouldn’t be frightened about it, when I get that vibrating feeling I’m mostly not very rational thinking and very close to falling asleep but I guess some people can be more awake than others, we’re all different right. I wouldn’t worry, I assume it’s pretty normal :wink:
In fact, you’re lucky… Try to do something with that vibrating stuff, it’s very hard for me to go into that state and you get it all the time…