I gotta ask a question :
Are we really suposed to play with our brain like that ?
I mean , is lucid dreaming somehow … dangerous to you ?
hey it’s our brain why not! no i don’t think it’s dangerous. unless you get really excited and have heart attack
Not at all, it’s just like normal dreaming but you are aware that you are dreaming.
There has been a previous topic about this…but I can’t remember where it was posted here. If anyone finds it before me, can you post the link to it on this thread?
from FAQ at lucidity.com
we’re a bunch of lucid dreamers, OF COURSE we’re going to tell you it’s not dangerous (but then again, i guess our opinion would be the informed one). have you ever expressed an interest in joining the… i dunno… chess club, and have all the chess club members telling you how playing chess can lead to insanity if you’re not careful ???
but seriously, i will say one thing… i think your worry about playing with your brain makes the assumption that your conscious mind is the only form of intelligence in your brain, which i have found is not the case. the subconscious has outwitted, tricked, and refused my best efforts in the past, and will probably do so in the future. if my brain doesn’t want me to play with it, it simply won’t let me, or play with me instead… however you wish to perceive it.
Lucid dreaming can MAKE YOU DIE INSTANTLY!!!
Um, actualy. No.
Unless you think your dreaming when your not. Cos jumping out the 8th floor window flapping your arms or running full speed into a mirror isn’t really a very smart thing to do. Cos it’ll hurt and junk.
ok …
thanks for the info