Hey guys!im new and a wanna learn some things about LDs…! I ve given a first try last night and I cant tell if it was just my imagination or a LD…So, here is the story! While in bed, i tried MILD taking a dream i ve seen 2 months ago.First,while imagining (or dreaming) i could open my eyes when I wanted to and i could feel all my body.Second,I can remember all the scenes except from one, a moment in which i lost control, and then i got back imagining again due to a spontangeous & weird hand movement…I could also feel my eyes run quickly (was it REM?) So,i was dreaming or just imagining? (i did RCs and at first i couldnt see my hands. but then i could see them just as in reality and could pass my finger through the other hand!)
Sounds like an LD to me.
If you could feel your body and you were somewhere else than in your bed, you might have been in a dream.
When did you perform that, was it when you went to bed or later in the night?
I often have this feeling!!
what I like to do is lay on the bed for a while and stay completely still and try to remember every detail before making a decision whether it was a dream or my imagination.
Also take into account all of your surroundings such as the time and where you where in your dream. (Kinda hard to explain but I hope you got the point)