Beginner techniques?

Hey guys my names Tom and im new here and looking into starting to explore lucid dreaming, so I was wondering what you guys think the best techique(s) for me to try would be, i’ve already started to keep a dream diary next to my bed and have started doing reality checks, so any advice you have would be great, cheers :smile:
P.S Awesome forum i’m sure i’ll enjoy it here :content:

Hey Tom, welcome to the forum!

I would suggest to start with either MILD or WILD (with or without WBTB). Check out all the sticky topics here about these techniques and make your choice, depending on what you like best. Just remember that in general WILD is pretty hard for a beginner (for a pro sometimes even). Good luck!

Thanks for the reply man, i’ll check out the topics and see what method appeals to me most, cheers.