hi. ive just started to prectis and ive red the tips and so on. But id like to have som more tips of you who have had really cool lucid dreams…[/b]
Practice is the word. Basicly to have “cool LD’s” is to have a good imagination. Before you sleep imagine “cool things”. A big chance rests that you will dream about them. Beleive everything to do with dreaming is possible and it will happen. Never give up. Look at my Sig of accomplishments. Started on the 1st of October 2003 and look what I got by being “Payshent” don’t know how to spell .
No problem.
thanks- i will start to practis harder.and we’ll see how i goes. id really like to feel a lucid dream i seems like magic or something… any chance that someone could describe an for me? i know that it could be hard
Lucid dreams are amazing, because you can do whatever you want in them (that is, you have the potential to do anything, even if you don’t succeed at first). The more you practice and the more experience you get, the better you become at LDing.
You don’t have to be a natural LDer to become good at it. Just look at LaBerge (the guy who spread the word about lucid dreaming to the world and is currently researching on it). He had a few lucid dreams and started training himself at it, now he’s able to LD any night he wants to.
Your avatar is way to big, by the way. Hurry and resize it (80x80, 6kb) before the Avatar Reaper sees it. Or you’re in trouble…
I’ll try I had one a couple nights ago. I was just visualaising when I was sleeping of me doing RC’s and then it felt different. Like my brain just shut down. Amazing feeling and I went dumb. Brain dead but I was consieous and I knew something was different you just know it. You can feel the difference and I passed my hand through my hand and the most wonderful feeling cam over me as if I had just awoke from 14 years of sleep. Beautiful I can’t even imagine it. The sensation of flying… It’s amazing you fel everything the wind your cloths flapping against you everything and it’s like it was all united as one entity.
Thats the best I could explane. I hope that helped.
The feeling of success is the best though. Your heart beat uncontrolably from the excitement.
Hope that helps.