I don’t know if this has been discussed before,but I’ve heard people saying that they always wake up after finding out that they’re dreaming.
… and I just thought of something.Perhaps our minds just want to be awake.It doesn’t want to be unaware or blind to their surroundings.If the world isn’t real why stay in it?Why not go into the real world and know we are in reality?
Since we were old enough to understand words dreaming has always been cast in a bad light,and not just in religions.Phrases like “dream on” and “in your dreams” have supported that being awake and in reality has always been more accepted than a person who dreams, no matter how fun it can be.
Perhaps it would help if you convinced yourself in a dream that “I’m awake,and now I can do anything I want” instead of “I’m dreaming,and I can do anything I want”,because if we’ve learned anything in this reality it’s that being in the real world is good,and that imagining a perfect one is for children.
Edited to add:Opps I meant to put this in the quest for lucidity
That’s a good idea. I think if we did that it would give us more control over LD’s, and maybe even (actual) reality.
And it’s true about dreams being cast in a bad light. Whenever I tell people that I write down my dreams, (without even mentioning LD’s or anything) they are always like “weird, so are you one of those freaky people…” it’s pretty annoying.
It’s true that dreaming has a bad connotation in western society. This is kinda strange since 99.9% of the people who think so are dreaming their so-called “waking” life away by living like an automatic response mechanism, never questioning their reality. So who is really dreaming here?
On the other hand, we as lucid dreamers have another perspective on dreaming. Instead of seeing dreaming as something childish, we love to dream and we are absolutely delighted when we can say “I am dreaming!”. It’s a holy phrase for lucid dreamers. So… I guess this could be useful for the people we may convince of the value of lucid dreaming, those who are still a little skeptic but still open to broaden their horizons. If they can be convinced that lucid dreaming is actually being awake rather than dreaming they will probably be more receptive. But for us, the higher evolved elite species called lucid dreamers , the phrase “this is a dream” is not that dangerous I think, we know too much
You could also turn the whole argument around: what would happen if we continuously remind ourselves “I am dreaming” during waking life? Actually this is an old Tibetan technique called “power of resolution-technique”. It’s somewhere explained in Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge (p.66 in my paperback edition). You just continuously remind yourself “all things are of the substance of dreams” - which is not that strange since the reality of dreams is processed by our brains the same way as waking life reality. The idea is that when you do this eventually you will remind yourself in your dreams that “all things are of the substance of dreams” and as lucid dreamers that’s just what we need of course. I guess this technique is not for the psychotic types, the purpose is not to jump from buildings in waking life or to shoot people because we think they are agents of the Matrix…
Aww, no shooting agents? But they’re all out to get me!
I believe that its very important to question reality. People who don’t tend to get on my nerves; I get the feeling that they never look beyond what’s in front of their eyes. It seems kind of conceited to me.