Being in 2 Places at Once! (Or More)

being aware of your dream body and your waking body sounds dangerously close to falling out of the dream, but having awareness of two dreambodies does seem genuinely cool.

ot, have a double head.

I think it is just waking up for a limited time. Like WBTB, only that you can return to the dream instead of starting another one.

Usually ehrn I am “in 2 places” I wake up soon after. Being aware of your physical body IS dangerous to a LD, but I think it is possible to control it, and stay in that state. (With lots of practice :tongue: )
Even when I looked at the clock, I was not awake, atleast not as I would call it. I was still in the dream, but moving my real body.
It was…weird.

Heh, I had forgotten about this topic, a full year old

I had something like this once. I was dreaming, then I all of a sudden became lucid and could feel my body laying in bed(was probably starting to wake up). Then in the dream I decided to continue my dream and the feeling of my physical body faded away.

WOAH That sounds AWESOME!!! I wanna see how that feles like. That seems so weird especially the octopus part.

i have alot of experiences like that but i just thought that it was like your mind is still playing out the dream and being lucid your awake so that makes sense to. also some time im in a dream and then i notce i am on my bed but i was still in the dream for the last 5 min its pretty cool. :cool: