Ok, I’ve had a few dreams over the moons that I have been here and questing for lucidity where I have had the experience of being in multiple places at once. Usualy it happens when I am less than peacefully awakened from a LD. I’ll still feel my dream body and see what it see’s, but I also feel my physical body, though I don’t see much of what it sees since my eyes are closed. Once I actualy felt 3 different realms at once.
I got used to this figuring it was probably a less common side effect of LD’ing. Last night I had an experience that I didn’t even think was possible. I, willingly, closed my dream eyes, though I still felt everything, and forced one of my real eyes open. It took a good deal of effort, but I could see everything as if I was awake. I could also feel my body, though I didn’t even try to move, and my dream body. I think I was in SP, hence the hardness to move my eye. I then closed my eye and opened my dream eyes agian. I was in 2 places at once, but was not awake, nor awakening.
This confused me and I’m curious to see if anyone has had similar experiences, or atleast an idea of what I’m talking about.
I think I posted all those experiences in my DA, you can use the link in my sig.
I had never even thought of something like that actually. In fact, its kinda mind boggling to even imagine the idea of being in 2 places at once. The way i think about it is to picture yourself being in 2 different demensions at the same time.
But the idea of being a spectator of yourself and actually partaking in your physical reality at the same time(if that makes sense ) is just insane.
Yes, I’ve had that a few times. Sometimes I was in a dream and had two sets of dream bodies or more, and sometimes I’m halfway in a transition and can kinda go in one dream or the other. Definitely interesting…
I used to get that when I was young while having a LD. I never thought it was cool. Wierd, yes, but I wanted to continue with the LD and it’s hard to concentrate like that in my oppinion.
YAY! I’m not the only crazy one!
Wyvern, I agree, it’s usualy hard for me to concentrate and I usualy lose the dream when it happens.
I agree, I think I’m going to try this more often with my lucid dreams. Does anyone know of a good book or website that has some information on this? Maybe even if you get good at seeing the real world with out waking and leaving the dream, you could go into an OBE?
Yeah even thought it might be cool…I probably won’t do it. Usually when I shut my eyes or do something weird with them, I either lose my lucidity or I just wake up.
They say that some holy guys, saints, etc used to have a power we call “desdobramento” in portuguese. That power allowed them to be in different places at the same time. Some say it was the physical body in both places, other cases say it was the spirit. Maybe you’re having a dreaming “desdobramento”?
This reminds me of when I was a child. When I was threatened in a dream and I believed that if I would dream on I couldn’t overcome the threat, I’ld close my eyes in the dream, concentrate and when I opened my eyes I had opened my eyes in real life.
Oftentimes when i am about to wake up i’ll feel my physical body. (Or atleast imagine myself doing so) Often my mouth or my eyes of course at the same time feeling my dreambody. But one time I had an extraordinary experience. I had a FA and felt immediately I was dreaming. I stood up and looked at my clock to confirm this. My room is as dark as would be expected at night. The darkness made the dream unstable. I thought of closing my eyes and opening them to see if it would change anything. When i open them. i see from the point of view my physical body might have had. I think “this is an illusion, if I close my eyes again there will be a new scene” I try several times but its the same. I accept is as my the vision from my real eyes. However my body awareness is still in my dream body standing by the bed. i can’t see it only feel it… And. not surprisingly but quite funnily. My dreambody can’t see. And i try to move around the room in my dream body, stumbling on tings, even falling on the bed. My blind dreambody could move around in the room I can see with my physical body wich i can’t even feel. I Still wonder what i should call this experience wich draws me somewhat closer to believing in astral projection and such. I am not convinced, but curious.
Oookkk…feeling like an octopuss is new…but acutaly, that sounds pretty cool
Snow, In my first 3 LD’s, way before I found LD4all and before I even knew what a LD was, I was struck with fear and all I wanted was out. I dunno why, but in one I knew that if I could figure out where I was, which happened to be in Florida, I would wake up. It worked to, I thought and thought then realized “Duh, I can’t be her cause I’m in Florida, and I’m now going to wake up.”
One other time, despite how hard I tried to open my physical eyes and wake up, I couldn’t. Atleast until I forced tunnel vision and woke up. I can still induce tunnel vision to this day when I’m awake and in slightly dim light.
The last time I kept going back and forth from dream to dream in dream (Metadream I think its called?) Anyway, agian all I wanted was out and the constinent switching was confusing me what was real and what wasn’t. I then forced myself awake by just opening my eyes.
Krakatoa, that sounds like a very interesting event! It must have been a little dissorienting, atleast at first.
Anyway, the other night, I proved that Ben’s idea of checking whether or not it was time to get up really works!
BTW, to LD4all owocki, if you haven’t already been “formaly” welcomed.
when i said i felt liike an octopuss, i meant more in the sense that i have 8 limbs, not specifically that i had the form of an octopuss in the dream! i had 4 physical limbs & 4 dream limbs! just thought id clarify, and see if anyone else has experienced this!
auh… thanks! ive been a lurker for about a month or so, and i finally decided that i’m ready to be a part of the community… i’m happy to start contributing as my LDs get more & more frequent!
Tunnel Vision is when your eyes go out of wack and basically it gets completely dark except for 1 area your focusing on. Its like looking through a tunnel, hence the name.