Being Limbo in a lucid dream

I have watched the movie inception…A very fantastic one…
I am fascinated by the word ‘Limbo’…What does it mean in the context on lucid dream? I interpret as being dead in a dream…Is it good? is there any chances that i may not wake up from the dream?
I also read a few articles that says that in a dream state if u look at your physical body closely you may not recover from the dream and that you would be lost…Is it true?

you shouldn’t believe everything you see in a movie. most of the people here will tell you all of this is a myth, just a story.

You will always wake up from a dream, even if you die in it. Dreams last only as long as your REM sleep does. That is - no more than an hour.

Inception doesn’t really give an authentic, universal account of LDing. I also wouldn’t believe the tall tales about being stuck in a dream, there have been plenty of accounts in which people dream and see there sleeping body, they still woke to tell the tale.

no there is nothing like that but if you want to stay in a lucid dream for a long time use the clock method:
i can’t find the post now but all you hve to do is typing something like(for example in a pc): real time: 8 hours Dream time: 24 hours
writerscube reported to have 2 week long dreams with this method

edit: i’ve found a topic
scroll downt till the comment of writerscube

Unless you’ve met with the energy worms in Lucid dreams… You will always wake up :smile:

What are ‘energy worms’?