I’m wondering what you think the best amount of effort to apply while falling asleep is. For example, if I’m doing a Mild, and repeating a mantra to myself, should I do this to the point that it takes me longerto fall asleep than it usually would? Same goes for WILD. How long is too long to keep yourself awake?

Or if I feel like I’m getting enough sleep, is there no point of overkill?

Hi, talkinghead, and welcome to the ld4all forums!

From what I have experienced with MILD, it shouldn’t disrupt anything in terms of how long it takes to get to sleep. WILD, on the other hand, definitely should not take you much longer to get to sleep than usual, because if WILD is taking a long time to get to sleep with, there is a chance that you will end up not being able to go to sleep…

(Don’t forget to introduce yourself here!! :wink:)