I Really Need To Become Lucid. I’m Going CRAZY because i cant get there! I really need to here all the best tips on this subjects. I need to know how its done! Email me steve_v_m@hotmail.com or just post a reply here! thank you so much!
First of all read https://www.lucidity.com/LucidDreamingFAQ2.html if you haven’t yet.
Second, this forum is full of answers to your question. All you have to do is read all the various topics.
here’s the techniques that help me the most and i fully recommend (use all of them in conjunction for best results):
~Write “RC” on your hand, whenever you see it, perform a hand reality check and look at your hand. Then do all other RC’s possible… if there’s a clock in the room look at the clock, if there’s a lightswitch, flip it, a mirror, etc. Then think back to how you got where you are, if you can… you know your dreaming by now. This is what I do, it’s like a total reality check. It helps me cause it gets me think of if I was actually dreaming right now, and the more dreaming is on your mind during the day the better your chances of LDing.
~Also, I suggest reading Laberge’s book “Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming”, great book, helped me a lot. So read this during the day if you would like.
~Read the forums on here as well, this place has got so much information! This is where my lucid adventures and interest all began! Thank you so much PasQuale! This is a great forum, read it.
~Do MILD everytime you go to sleep, initially, and whenever you wake in the middle of the night. It helps to have the intention. Once you think you have a set intention, just drift to sleep without thinking of anything else.
~Dream Journal! Definately do this, if you desire you can just write down keywords and write the entire dream out later. This is what I do, I type my dreams onto www.dreamjournal.org, great site for dream journals.
~WBTB, great technique. All my LD’s are from this. It makes you very alert and you’ll notice oddities in your dream very well. I suggest getting up for an hour after sleeping for 6, then pulling out your “Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming” or reading the forums. Go back to bed and you’ll have way better chances of LD’s.
I just let you know all the things I do, and when I do them all! I have tremendous success… 2/3 LD’s a week, when I started doing it! Good luck rappidfire, stay dedicated and you’ll make it for sure.