Best technique to master

Hello! My goal is to become Lucid in dreams whenever i want and as often as i like. So i’m asking if there is any technique that are 100% reliable and can make you lucid every night whenever i want.

I know that DILD is pretty uncertain and doesn’t make you a lucid dream every time you try. But i have heard a few people that have mastered WILD and can accomplish this.

So, are there anyone on this forum who are able to lucid dream every night? If so, what technique do you use?

Hope you understand my question:) Thanks in advance.


Welcome Banan to LD4al! :wave: Hope you’ll enjoy your stay here.
No one possesses said technique, because techniques have little influence on the outcome of Lucid Dreaming. What you need the most is confidence that you’ll make it, and motivation, so I suggest you read this topic instead. :wink:

Welcome! :smile: Everyone’s different, so look for the technique that suits you best. WBTB (Wake back to bed) works well for me.

First off, read that link tosxy gave you from top to bottom. It is gold.

I don’t have LD’s nightly, but I’ve been managing to get them about 1-3 times a week through autosuggestion and RCILD. As far as RCILD goes, it’s just a matter or doing RC’s as often as possible. Within a couple of months, sometimes much faster, it will generally pay off.

Overall, however, the best way to ensure LD’s is to learn to communicate that to your subconscious effectively (known as autosuggestion). Once you find a tech like MILD, WILD or RCILD that works for you, adding autosuggestion will greatly improve your chances.

I suggest you read this.

My favorite methods are RCILD, MILD, and WILD. If I am not combining methods, these work the best for me. However, I usually combine methods. I think that it’s really important to customise a method that’s right for you.

My most used combination can be found in more detailhere.

I’m sure by now you’re tired of reading all of these links, but I’ll go ahead and send you to another. I developed a piece of software a few years ago for newcomers and people on dryspells with regards to lucid dreaming. Essentially, it’s a 7+ day course that not only introduces you to lucid dreaming techniques, but it also builds them on top of each other. The idea behind it is to flood your thoughts full of lucid dreaming, which will in turn carry over to the dream world within a matter of days. Several people have been able to acquire at least one lucid dream from using the software, and since I wrote it for people much like in your position, I would highly recommend you checking it out at the topic below. It’s called Infinity, and it’s free to download/use.

Infinity: [url][software] Infinity]

Definately try out Ben’s “Infinity”, a great program that i first used to get into LD’s.
But most of all you have to belive that you can, not just think you can. You have to acess your SC and tell it that LD’s for you are very imortant. I suggest starting out with RC’s then autosuggestion/MILD, then up to VILD, and finally WILD, but it’s different for every person. Be sure to check out the knowledge base for Tutorials on every one of these + more. Think of LDing like a mucsle and you have to slowly build it up untill you will be doing this easily. Sure it will start off hard but the results are AMAZING!!! Make sure to be writing your dreams down in a DJ too, you wouldn’t want to forget that precious frist LD would you? :smile: and Keep at it fill your mind with LD thoughts, read around the fourm and books too and you will sure to have a LD!! BTW Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming by Stephen LaBerge is a great book to get you started with most of the Techs!! Happy Dreaming :content:

Well, if there was such a technique, there would be no other techniques and everyone would use that one.

In fact, there are no good or bad techniques in general.
It all depends on the person.

Some might have the highest success rate with WBTB, some with WILD, some with MILD, etc.

Explore, and you should find out which technique works best for you.
But, in the end, it all comes down to will and motivation, lie I already said.

If you are truly motivated and if your will to lucid dream is very strong, you could easily have lucid dreams every night :wink:

Wow, thanks for all you answers. This forum seems very nice and helpfull. I already love it.

Thanks for that link to the topic you gave me tosxychor. It made me relize how important motivation really is. People are writing such good and informative. ’

I just downloaded Infinity and it’s exactly what I was looking for. When doing so many techniques in a week i think the chances of getting a LD is pretty good. I have only had a LD without any techniques when i was younger. The disadvantage of the program is that it’s taking alot of time and effert + i have school aswell. But i have a holiday soon and will definately try Infinity.

After reading alot on this forum im looking forward to the night. I just can’t wait :smile:

Hmm i think there is not THAT technique that brings you 100 % lucidity everynight. (Maybe it sounds a bit confused but read my signature :smile: )I think a combinaton works best if you plan it. And there are some things that vou´ve to know about yourself. P. e. If you are a visual type or you can visualize then diont do WILD to VILD
p.e Plan:
Day: Rc´s and thinking about LD. Maybe autosuggestion (read the I am a Lucid dreamer thread i dont have the link now)
Evening: Autosuggestion, Mild or WILD (attention, some people say they can WILD before going to sleep but you must be very good)
Night: If you wake up: DEILD If you dont set your clock 1 to 4 times a week (how you like) to a WBTB: then try what gelps you best (p.e by me just wake up and write my DJ has helped me often to get a LD others stay wake for an hour and read sth. about LD) you can combine WBTB with autosuggestion MILD or WILD

Morning: If you dont have to work early or on the weekend, then try WILD or better HILD. (fast and it doesnt disturb your sleep cyclus because, if its work, you sleep, if not then you can sleep also. but HILD with an alarm clock doesnt work good) If HILD not work, and you want it, then try WILD or VILD. If you can you set your clock 1-2 hours before you get up normaly and then try WILD/VILD
DJ is very important sure

I would set me a plan what you want (techniques that fits you best) and then do it. But keep watching after an healthy sleep cyclism. Its not good if you tired all day bec you have slept 2-3 three hours loess than normal. So dont do WBTB every night. And if you must work, sleep and set you not to often an clock for WILD

I hope you understand me^^

ok, thanks. I don’t speak good english myself because I’m from Norway. And i go to school, so i don’t think i have time to WBTB.

I read a little about FILD here on ld4all and it sounds like a very easy technique. Does it really work that easy?
I am doing RC in the day and i think i will try autosuggestion in the evening, then turn on an alarm and do FILD in the night.

I have one question. What is HILD? Can someone post a link to an topic about HILD please?

you’re english is fine :tongue:

and HILD = FILD. HILD is an old name if I’m not mistaken.

The first time worked for me! well, kinda. I was expecting to still be awake and that shoked me awake XD I should try it again atually… :shy:

If you’re just starting out, I recommend MILD as it is easier to master. If you are intermediate, start practicing WILD, as directly entering the lucid dream is more incredible of an experience. If you’ve been lucid dreaming for years, as have I, start working with Tibetan Dream Yoga, which teaches you 24-hour lucid dreaming.

I think FILD with an alarm is not that good because the idea of this is that you do it WITHO’UT moving much (like pressing the button so that the alarm go off) with every movement sink your chances for a good FILD. So Alarm = WILD/WBTB/… Weekend: FILD

and yeah HILD (Hargarts induced, after the yeah explorer Hargart) is the old name for FILD (Finger Induced)