Best Trick Ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have been having trouble lucid dreaming lately i recently had me second 1 and the night before i was thinking about my first one and how much i wasted it all i did was go down a hall getting high fives and then it ended as i laid there i closed my eyes then opened them and i was in the woods and i looked up there was my crush in a white dress i was naked with rock hard abs i thought shouldn’t she react to me being naked and i thought this isn’t my body its in better shape then i was lucid i started celebrating i was waking up then i calmed down i was bound to wake up in a few seconds witch before i did i summoned a arcade game idk y i did but then i made it say your in a dream and set it to appear in my dreams and then i woke up and when i went back to sleep there it was there was it told me then i really got wowed i was in there for 2 years but when i woke up it was not even a 5 minutes after i went back to sleep every night its there so if your having trouble just do that :smile:

This is almost like a technique i use. But i am imagining that the 2 years passed in a movie like way, not actually 2 years, but the mind does percieve it that way.
What i do is i always have a Ipad/Tablet that does everything in my dreams.

i the arcade machine is gone and i cant get lucid again can some one give me some tips? good ones a lot of tips dont work 4 me and i want to lucid dream help!

well, use a DJ, MILD, DILD, WILD, DEILD, EFT, CALD… ect. Theirs a lot of different methods. These methods only work if you put some time into them, but their the best.