I’m very new with this stuffs and I don’t think I really know anything that you guys don’t ready know, but for me, I usually remember my dreams when I’m not sleeping to comfortly.
A couple of examples;
I usually sleeps with 3-4 pillows, and when i got 1, or even none, I usually not sleeps so “good”/deep as I noramaly do, thus increasing the (mine atleast) ability to remember my dreams in detail.
Sleep with clothes on, works for me…
Have your tv on, this gives me something to relate to when I’m dreaming, I hear it, but can’t see it, which reminds me that I’m sleeping, or atleast trying to…
I just read about LD yesterday and it got me really interested, mainly becouse it happens to me time to time, but I’m not sure its LD…
Here’s an example;
Me and a friend was walking down a street and saw an old man with a wooden cane, we just walked past him and he looked like he was saying something but I could not hear him, then we came up to a HUGE forest and it was totaly green exept for one little brown thing which was a Cane… I was about to grab the cane when I started to sink into the ground and my friend said “We are waking up now…” and then I woke up.
Was this LD? I don’t know if i could control the dream, though I was not thinking about it.
You were close to having one ld
Read some around the forum
The info here at the forum all about dreaming and lds will help you.
Trehjuling you can introduce yourself at the topic…The big hi iam new here! At Lucidity intro!
Yes,many people says that sleeping somehow uncomfortably increases the chance of lucid dream.There was even this “car technique” advicing to get naps in the car…because of its low comfort and little oxygen and some other factors that i dont remember.
Welcome to the forum,join chat too from time to time:)
Hehehe that car techinque reminds me of one time that I WILD’ed in the truck on the dirty road! I somehow managed to succeed even though the road was BUMPY! It was fun though.
Yeah like Jeff said, you were very close to have a LD! Keep it up! I agree… you could read up on WBTB, WILD, MILD, and VILD techniques to assist you in obtaining one. As I recall somewhere, there is a custom-made lucid manual that explains about those techniques pretty well. I can’t remember where the link is though… I know it’s on LD4all forum though. You could do some searching to find that.
“Hehehe that car techinque reminds me of one time that I WILD’ed in the truck on the dirty road! I somehow managed to succeed even though the road was BUMPY! It was fun though.”
Just imagine someone not familiar with lucid dreams reading above:)Sounds like kinky trip:)lol
Custom-made… well… apparently it is written by you… and some people on here so I thought it’s custom-made for this community or anyone who are interested in obtaining some lucid dreams. Making more senses?