Oki so someone has to tell me something…When i was like 10 years old, i was controlling my dreams, thats what i called them and it was really great fun because at 10 years old u really enjoy it and let ure imagination go as far as it could. I noticed as well as i soon i was thinking of something, this thing happenned. So it was really cool but really scary as well. For example one day i was dreaming that i was being pursued by some bad guys that were at my school and were always bugging me. Anyway i was running from them and i suddenly thought that i could fly. So i did. Great feeling, first time as well and great feeling. But the thing is that i thought that maybe those guys could fly too…Bad thinking really…Straight away they were in the air following me again, and again, and again. Fortunetly my mother woke me up. So they never caught me, thks Mum!!!
Anyway , i found as well that once i talked about a dream, I would never do it again. So i never talked about my dream and thought i was the only one who could do that with my dreams. but i never really knew because i never asked. Anyway one day around my 13 or 14 years old, i finally decided to talk to someone about my LD. So i talked to my mother and said to her what i experienced in the past 3 years. U know what she said? its impossible to control ure dream because u need to be conscious and if ure conscius ure awake…So u must be dreaming that ure controlling ure dream!!!
A dream within a dream!!!
Well now comes the tricky part. At 15 years old i started to smoke cannabis and more and more of it. One day i realized that i couldnt remember my dream like before but it didnt matter…
Big Mistake!!!
I realized that the fact of controlling my dream allowed me to do all the things forbidden and beautiful that would never happenned in real life. So if i couldnt do it in my dreams i had to do it in real life to compensate.
Big mistake Again!!!
I didnt went far because the cannbis was taking all the time and mind that i could use.
And one day i decided to stop smoking and to put myself back in my dreams.
BUT…Nothing happenned. I still can remember them without any difficulties but not to control them anymore.
So i decided to look on the internet and found this site. Im 22 years old now and i stopped smoking since 2 years and i really need help.
I read and printed all the topics about WILD , MILD etc…
I was really please to learn that it wasnt a dream within a dream!!!
That i didnt in fact DREAM that i could control my dreams.
But i want to do it again because it so peaceful and u can wake up, taking all the difficulties of the day and transform them in something at ure taste.
Well anyway if someone managed to read until now and got an answer or advice, anything, heres my mail adress:
Thank you very much in advance.
Or they could post them below. Can cannabis really take away the ability to ld?
Anyway i think that if you stick to practicing the techniques and don’t feel disappointed if it doesn’t come to you quickly you should be able to ld again. But if it does come back quickly because you used to ld then even better. But trust me m8 you will be able to ld again.
Blossom, Welcome to ld4all.
I hope you get back to your past LD talent in the near future.
I think this is more suited to Quest for Lucidity; since it is really focused on asking for help in getting back your lucid abilities.
Stupid answer but: nope, no advice except not to take up smoking again. You might want to read the wikibook too for a little bit more information.