chi swordsman: i have too seen these photos they are interesting but there has been very little to do with them. to my knolage. after they were taken. and as for the auras? well i saw these photos and they really dont look a great deal like an aura, in my eyes anyway. maybe everyone is diffrent. but they are great to see and i did learn a lot about it.
As for the abiltiy to read minds and the abilty to predict what the fighters move will be, mostly this can come from a great deal of experince in fighting. a small twitch of the eye or arm could mean one thing and a slight twitch of the index finger could mean another, our cons mind cant see these well but our sub cons can and this is how many people claim to read minds but are really just reading signals.
now after saying all that there have been a lot of cases that these words cant explain so it leaves to option quite open to mind reading. which i presonal belive is possible. i just choose to look at both sides the same.
and welcome to the forum as well.
Atheist: no experiment can ever be truly 100% true. no matter waht there will always be somthing that doesnt quite fit into the pattern. but as for the experiment here, there is not a great deal that we can do. if you do something over and over again. ie. tuen the key to start a car, and this works for many diffrent cars, you start to belive that turning a key will start all cars on the main this is we have come to belive. but there will always be the time when it doesnt happen. are we to say, taht off that, there might be a force that is stopping us from starting the car. sure we could look to the simple things, ie the battery is dead. the wires are stuffed i could go on. or we could say taht the magnetic forces from the earth is causeing the trouble. all of these could be valid.
but there is a way to figure out wht is really happening. by using experimental conditions. we could for example take the car where the earth will not interfer with the starting of it or we could clean the sparks, or we could change the battery. all of these would lead us to conclude that the battery was the thing at fault not the others.
the same can be done with anything. if we have two or three groups. oje group uses a boul with their experiment. the other uses a air tight container is a complealty non magnetic room, with no way of anything affecting the paper in anyway. and the last group just do it any where.
all three groups would do the same thing, or at least attempt it. this would prove that no external infulences have been made, or have been. also the people in the groups should chnge to see if the people make a diffrence with telk.
granted we cant do the air tight one but we can do the bowl and the open area. if this is the best that we can do . then it is the best that we can do. ofcourse i would prefer live stream then not, as that way we could really be sure there has been do dig enhancement to it. but some hhow i dont think we can.
if we wanted to go further we could attach brain scans to the subject and record all them as well. but seeing that this is not a prove to the world as i stated before. then we do not need to do any of that.
Like i said. if he cheats he is only lying to him self. we will all be able to see if it has been tampered with or not
In the end it is still up to the viewer if the choose to belive it or not. and i my self will probally still keep open mindd and no totaly belive it untill i can prove it to my self. but that is just what i have to do.
if this goes ahead, which i hope it does, is there any possiblites of doing it more then once? just for the sake of argument.
now after that long message, i hope i didnt talk in circles too much.
Peace out