Big Psionics Topic
Princeton university is the only place doing research that is worth anything at the moment.

You can’t prove psi with any sort of spoon bending and pin wheel spinning (any half ass magician can do these tricks) pure science only understands pure science.

By the way all the cold war research is debunked, the Russian book may tell of true psi abilities but the science was flawed which is why it is not accepted today. this is my take on extended human abilities on the sealife forum.

"In unattended calibrations these sophisticated machines all produce strictly random outputs, yet the experimental results display increases in information content that can only be attributed to the influence of the consciousness of the human operator. "

Now, that’s what I call evidence. :thumbs:
Also suggests why some people have bad luck with computers!
“I hate this POS!” :angry:
“well, if you were nice to it, it would probably behave better.” :angel_fly:
I find it’s true.

Archrin your in okinawa Japan?

P.s you wouldn’t beleive how many computer I ****up just by being round them, my own computer I had to encase and all sorts to stop it going on the fritz!

I have tried a psiball, and spent about hmm a total of 60 mins of my life bothering with it. The sensations I felt were about the same as meditation with energy transferring, perhaps a bit more intense than before. But that could just be me getting better at meditation. Anyways I tried to form the shell and the psiball and program it and all, but it just wouldnt hit my friend in the back. :cry: Or paper, for that matter. I couldnt even feel it after I stopped. So I think psi is just meditation by malinformed people. Until I see a little more evidence, this be me theoryee.

okay look.

For everyone trying psi balls, think of this:

How long did it take you to learn how to…

Ride a bike?
Read and write?
Talk (understandably)?

The answer is, not in an hour. Learning soemthing new takes time. The same applies for psionics. Its gonna take time and practice to get better at it, so dont just work on it for an hour and give up. It could take days, even weeks of practice to make a good psi ball, but so did learning how to do algebra. Point is: learning anything takes time, so just keep at it.


The difference is that there is no doubt these things are possible. Spending days, weeks, months attempting to do something which has no convincing evidence for its existence, something that frankly sounds like a childish fantasy, hardly seems worth bothering with.

I’ve actually tried the psi ball a few times before, when I first knew about psipog, and I’ve tried it again a few times in the last week. But nope… nothing. I have to congratulate you, you really had me fooled! But I know better now, and I come out of this understanding a little more about human nature.

Even if by some twist of fate this stuff is real, why should I waste my time persuing it? Is creating an invisible sphere of energy of any use to me? Even the more advanced stuff, like telekineses, what use is it? Being able to move a pinwheel with my mind isn’t gonna help me score a killer job. Nobody’s going to say anything about this paragraph, because they know PSI (if it exists) is pointless. They don’t want to realize that what they’ve been practicing for such a long time is for nothing. Of course they actually aren’t practicing it, maybe this is just some assignment in psychology class to see how gullible people are. I hope you get a good grade. That’s right, I know you’re reading this, and ignoring it doesn’t make it go away.

It has already been said, any half-assed magician (illusionist) can fake psychic abilities. And with computer editing, the possibilities to fake are endless. I was thinking about making a faked video just to see how easy it was, but I couldn’t find any fishing line that was completely invisible. Maybe I’ll try magnets.

Where are my headphones…
Oh yeah this is going in my blog. I’ve got a fresh-off-the-assembly line permalink for you: here
Concider it an extension to my post.

you know what really pisses me off. People who say somthing can be done without a great deal of proof. these people are yes dreamers but they need real proof before they say it is 100% possible.

but what really really pisses me off me is the people that say somthing is not real and that it cant be done. you people are the worst. you CAN NOT tell some one what they can or can not do just because you do not belive in it. Just because YOU cant do psi balls does not mean that it is a load of crap. let me put it to you this way. can you run 100 m in under 10 seconds? well people always said that it couldnt be done. and oh my god it could be done and now people are doing it all the time. The world was flat once and we were the center of the universe as well. but oh my god that has been proven wrong as well.

Do not say that something is not true untill you have really really tryed. if you had really tryed you would not have this opion. you have an opion of some one who has been hurt and you feel fooled. but who fooled you was it psipog or was it your self. did you really try. answer me that.

And what use is a little ball of engery if you cant see it? who knows. but you sure as hell cant tell me it is worthless. This world, this whole damn universe is made up of small little things that we cant see. and i would very much like you to tell me that we dont need them! Just because you do not know what use it can be for does not mean that it is worthless.

So sure it wont get you a high paying job, big deal. does being able to tie your shoes give you a high paying job??? NO but then again we do that everyday dont we.

oh but wait you have mad me mad and i really dont want to get mead here, so i am gonna tone down what i really want to say.


just because you cant do it, or actally cant be bothered to do it, does that make it wothless. learn to open your mind to what could be there. and do not say that it is fake untill you find proof to back you up. just like i had a go at akira55 for what he said without willing to back up his words now i have done the same to you. but acttly come to think about it you are much much worse. he at least is willing to try and prove it. you on the other hand.

there is where i am gonna stop belive me i am not finished. but there is no use bring more onto this topic.

I think we’re all just hoping to step into a world where whatever we want to happen can and will. That includes moving objects with our minds.
Yes, I am in Okinawa, Japan. Thanks for asking :smile:

Whoa whoa Timeless getting a little edgy there. But yes, you can’t say something isn’t real when you have no proof that it is not. For all we know psi may well exist or not exist, there’s just no one doing enough research, and for some reason I can’t find any experiments on the PEAR site.

Oh yeah, R3P7i, your blog is a bit on the strong side, too. And I present to your skepticism about the usefulness (if real) of psi abilities:
“What use, MADAM, :happy: is an unborn child?”
-The guy that discovered electricity for ya, I don’t remember his name.

Electricity used to be of no use to people. Now, you just can’t live without it. So if, over time, people develop psionic abilities, I won’t be one of them. Unless I get enough proof that it does exist, then I’ll put a bit more effort into it. Until then, it’s just one 10-min session here and there when I’m bored in class. One question. How do you make your psiball solid? If I can make a solid one (er by solid I mean carries force and lives on its own), I can prove to myself that it really does exist and therefore increase my motivation exponentially. With each success spawns new ambition, you know, yada yada. I just can’t bring myself to waste time on something that probably doesn’t exist.

I do GoJu ryu karate that orginates from those islands, I can even speak some Japanese, like “arrrhhh your breaking my arm n stuff” :wink:

Everyone who’s being very skeptical about this subject would be warned to remember that the Princton study shows that psi is at work. It proves that operators of equipment can have an effect on that equipment by intention alone even if that effect is small. The Princton study needs to run its course and it needs to be replecated more in other labs to be widely accepted.

Its research will have a profound impact on the design of critical systems in the future, think about what computers control… everything. You don’t want the man in the Inter continental balistic missle control pod to have a bad thought day and start world war three, just as you don’t want the pilot of a plane to give out any unwanted vibes!