Big "SP as a gateway to WILD" topic

It takes me 40 odd minutes, but it depends on how long it normally takes you to go to sleep, add on another 10 minutes to whatever that is, that’ll probably be how long :wink:
Of course thats just an estimate, but to me you seem to fall into SP quite quickly… lucky ¬¬

Hope this helps =]

Oh man, WILD is the only method that appears to be doable on my schedule, but I am kind of worried about SP… Is it weird or is it more relaxing? My friend told me it can kind of be relaxing, unless you’re scared.

scared about what? any SP, any visions CAN NOT make you any hurt … ;]

It’s the fact that I’m claustrophobic and my body associates claustrophobia with paralysis… but when it happens it’ll probably feel different!

Last night I tried it, i just got to that point when I heard my dad making loud stumbling noises… he needs to learn to sleep :tongue:

SP isnt like claustraphobia
so no need to be scared or anything :content:

you know, sweety, blue and white ? :razz:
I know now, than its easier to say that things in a theory and its harder to fight with fear by your own.
heres example:

  • some people write than they are scared about out of body experiences. I say: that is nothing to scare and next when I am tried to get the OOBE and feel very close, im fuckin scared and i come back to my body…

I had my first successful WILD last night and I went through paralysis easily. I felt jolts, shaking and shifting, like an inch in every direction. I thought the devil was tapping my shoulder. Then I suddenly dropped, like sunk half a foot into my bed. It only lasted for a minute or two, and it kept me very aware that I was about to enter a lucid dream. I didnt see any landscapes, I just saw some weird pattern of black and white (like the green swirly things you see as you fall asleep) and entered the dream on my bed with a zombie my reality check was if there was a gun on the side of the bed then it was a dream and I summoned a gun and shot the zombie, it was scary and awesome, but just know that the scary part will only last a minute or two, so hang tough buddy. I kept a sort of log on the times I woke up and fell asleep. 12:08 am-sleep time, 5:08 am-first wake time, 6:18-20 (the delay was I had to poop) second sleep time. After 30 minutes of unsuccessfulnes I went to my bed, instead of the couch ( which I’ve been sleeping on) 7:20 am- last wake up time.

Congrats radio_head!
I’m still trying to get my first WILD, although I think I’m doing it the wrong way, or the wrong time to be more exact.
I’ve been trying to WILD when I go to bed in the evening, is that possible? Or do you have to sleep a couple of hours first? I’ve gotten to the part with the shaking and images, but then nothing more happens.

Can some1 tell me if this wild almost worked, im not h aving much luck with it it.

I was lying in bed for like 30m, got real relaxed, then I got like twitches in my legs hands once every min or so. Tried to ignore them looked at the blackness. Eventually I could see some random colors, like someone was fingerpainting behind my eyelids or somethin, they never took any shapes tho, just blobs moving around. Then a few mins later I heard this REALLY loud buzz in my right ear like a huge fly just flew into my head or something, it came outta nowhere and almost startled me out of the wild attempt. After calming myself down and staring at the blobs some more, it happened again a few mins later, but this time in my left ear. Didnt startle me as much cause I had alrdy experienced it once, but then everything just stopped. Colors gone, sound gone, just layed there relaxed thats it. Oh and is normal for your head to feel like its shaking and your muscles to feel like their all tensed up?? that was my wild attempt , did it b4 i went to bed at night

I experienced something very similar to this a few nights ago, minus the HI, the first time was very scary and I thought I was about to die or something.

I’ve been so close to getting sleep paralysis but always seem to snap back awake. I feel the vibrations and try really hard not to focus on them, and once I stop they go away and I’m wide awake. Any tips to help me get SP?


Another question: Sometimes I hear voices, it sounds like they’re right next to me. I know it’s just HH, but that also jolts me awake. Is there a way to keep these voices from coming out of nowhere?

The first time I got to Sleep Paralysis Ive read posts before and I patiently waited, because I knew it would only last a few seconds. I just ignored it and I started seeing weird geometric trippy shapes, then bam! I was naked onstage at some old people convention (shivers). Its not that hard just as long as you know what your doing and you’re familiar with the process of entering a lucid dream.


i’ve read, that the 61-point-rexalation-technique is considered as a quite good way to induce the state of sleep paralysis. My questions are:

  1. I usually cannot fall asleep while lying on the back. Is it, as a consequence, also different for me to get paralysed while lying on the back? Is it also possible to do the 61-point-technique while lying on the side?

  2. Is it much harder to induce SP after walking around a bit to get the mind awake? I’d like to do that, so that I dont loose consciouness before entering SP.
    (both questions are connected with WBTB)

Thanks for the answers,

Lately I’ve been having trouble with SP.

Whenever I’m having a hard time falling asleep (especially if I wake up in the middle of the night and can’t get back to sleep, I’ll automatically start going into SP without falling asleep. Basically my body says “You are going to sleep NOW, whether you like it or not!” but my brain says “No, I don’t want to!” So I end up in SP, having to deal with the vibrating and weird noises (I usually get pretty bad HI), unable to move for what feels like several minutes. I just wait it out and eventually I “wake up” and can move again. But I still haven’t gotten any sleep! This cycle can repeat itself two or three times a night, and no matter how hard I try, I can’t fall asleep through the distracting HI.

Anyone know how to get past this? If I can’t fall asleep into a normal dream while conscious during SP, how will I ever learn how to WILD so that it turns into a lucid dream? SP isn’t as scary to me now as it used to be, but it’s still not pleasant to deal with when you really just want some real sleep.

Sleep paralysis is both extremely interesting and extremely helpful; I have found it to lead to the most “real” lucid dreams. A lot of people define it as waking up but not being able to move your body, but this is the wrong way to think of it. Basically its just your brain waking up, slowly becoming aware of the inhibitory effects sleep produces on your body. You just can “feel” the muscle atonia (disconnection of brain and body)! This awareness is the most important part of lucid dreaming. You must first become conscious as you would be in daily life (versus a dream state of confusion and incoherence). The only problem here is that you’re not dreaming, you’re just asleep and you know it!
Getting into a dream from sleep paralysis is actually MUCH easier than it seems; once I figured it out I have never failed getting through this transition. Most people who can’t do it are imposing a dreamlike attitude towards their power over their mind; they rely on random, uncontrollable factors to drag them into a dream world. During sleep paralysis you are now conscious and must act as though you were awake. My point is that you can’t just wait for a dream to randomly appear; it won’t. You have to will and imagine it. Its good to think about it as you would day dreaming. As youre laying in bed, purposefully imagine where you would like to go. Picture yourself in that place; what does it look like? what can you hear? Can you touch, taste, or smell anything? Before you know it you will BE there, and thanks to sleep paralysis you are lucid!
I’ve found it easiest to start in my room. I can’t move my body but I try to imagine what it would be like if I could. I imagine sitting up and eventually getting out of bed, then I realize that by imaging it i really did it (in a lucid dream).
For some reason I dont get the vibrating feeling you guys have mentioned. I just feel extremely heavy and can’t move. Its like im sewed to my mattress. So don’t wait to suddenly be in another world. Imagine getting out of bed, and you will be thrown into that world of “imagination” firsthand.
I’m unsure of how little we can feel our body; is it none or just barely? One of the times this happened i got out of bed (a dream) and walked around my room. But for some reason I could open my right eye, it was like i had sleep paralysis (for my eye) in a dream! When i actually woke up, i realized i as sleeping with my head laying on its side on the pillow with my hand pressed up against the back. I was putting a lot of pressure on my right eye. Does my dream say i could feel this pressure, or was it a random coincidence?

Yeah, I thnk once you start mastering getting into your dream, the next thing is to disconnect your mind from your physical body, there’s been so many times that the feelings from my physical body made it’s way into my dreams, (laying on my stomach, and I could only crawl, trying to walk but feeling like my legs were paraylized…) it’s weird, but I guess because of our awareness, we seem to be aware of our sleeping body as well. All it takes is practice to get past that I guess…

The one night i had lucid dreams (not really lucid, they were like half lucid) was through WILD / SP / WBTB. I was vibrating, my heart started rushing, I felt warm, then cool, and eventually it felt like i was being sucked into a vacuum or launched at incredible velocity into my dream. Point is, it works.
It is scary at first but if you can concentrate on not waking up (or dreaming or NOT concentrating…) the insane feelings go away and you are in a dream. I did it twice in one night.

I experienced SP this morning. 'twas the first time I had although I’ve read up on it, along with several other sleep phenomena. Sadly the feeling that I couldn’t breathe startled me enough that I came out of the trance that I was currently in.

I knew that I was still breathing but having never experienced it firsthand before I let my instincts get the best of me and started focusing my attention on breathing.

Maybe next time I’ll be more level-headed about the experience.

Don’t worry about it, even people that have experienced it many times have trouble dealing with it. After all, the feeling of not breathing can be pretty freaky. You’ll do better next time! :happy:

Actually, for a first SP, if you didn’t think “omg, I can’t move!” and try to force yourself to move, that’s a great start :content:

I kinda knew what I was getting into as I’ve lurked on these forums for a few years now. I didn’t even try to move. I felt that wave of energy go through me and I knew what was going on but still, not FEELING my breathing was pretty unnerving.

I’ll get it though. Someone IRL told me that once I’m in SP to focus on a single object very clearly then tell myself “awaken”. I should be in a dream then if I focused enough. If not, I’d wake up. He also said to come out of SP, just swallow.