I’d say it was probably HH.
That would explain it, but I didn’t feel anything else. No vibrations, shaking, flying, no noises or sounds. I felt like I was in an earlier stage, not in HH yet.
I tried WILD again an hour ago and got a little further. I noticed the following things:
-There is no or very few HI for me. Some random blobs of color and one time a shape that turned into the blurry outlines of a face.
-There’s also no HH.
-Instead there’s this: When I lose my focus on the scene I’m visualizing to start a dream with, a random dream beginning (don’t know what to call it) appears. When I realize that happens, I concentrate on the visualizing again and it’s gone. I think I was just falling asleep unconscious because I wasn’t lucid in the dream beginning.
After a while I fell asleep.
-When I woke up I was kind of … exhausted (mentally and physically even more).
What are the things described in the blue-colored area? Just a sign that I’m losing consciousness and that I’m falling asleep with a ND?
Arreslee, what you describe in the blue writing is exactly what HI is. It can be like random thoughts or “daydream” scenes. Concentrating usually makes the HI fade, because the conscious part takes over. This topic describes wilding from a state of sleep paralysis, were you paralysed when this happened?
Oh, cool. I didn’t know HI were actually moving scènes, I thought they were static images. But I had the idea that if I would get ‘sucked in’ by a HI that I would just have a ND in stead of a LD.
I don’t think I was paralyzed but I’m not sure because I wasn’t concentrating on my body.
My issue with WILDs via SP is that the resulting LD is nearly impossible to control. Last night I induced such an LD in which I my dream body could not movie out of my bed. I also could barely focus on any imagery. It was just a big blur. The sensation is so frustrating that I gave up and awoke. I guess I need to be more patient. Is this much of any issue for any of you?
I think something has to be made clear for everyone 'cause in my opinion it’s the most rassuring and encouraging thing for those who attempt to WILD:
can one stop the process easily at anytime?
in other words, can you certify that there is definitely no point of no return in the process, where you are stuck in SP and have to wait for a short or long period with the hallucinations going on?
to know that you can go deeper each time, extending your limits, stoping the process when you feel you’ve made enough progress for this time, is really important. discovering the unknown little by little makes the task much easier. (this is a general principle, there’s no reason why it wouldn’t apply on WILDs)
now this concernes me…
I don’t seem to have any HI. HI are really helpful as you can count on them to help you ignore the phisical sensations. do HI appear at the end of the process?
now about SP, and by SP I mean “inability to move” and not the whole process. when exaclty does SP happen, at what stage of the process? after the vibrations? before HI? before “this” or after “that”?
Well, I think I got SP yesterday morning. It was freakish…I was just laying in bed after I woke up naturally, drifting in and out of that “half-asleep” state you get in, like I was almost about to fall asleep again. I believe I was thinking of dreaming when suddenly my head (it felt like it was only my head) felt like it was vibrating and becoming paralyzed. I heard this really loud buzzy synth/laser noise and saw some HI-like stuff in the form of lasers and energy beams, which then turned into a weird shifting cloud. I just sat there and watched it, like “Hey, this is pretty sweet, my first real SP.” Then I went into what I think was an uncontrolled lucid dream. Could that have been SP?
SP is just a state your body is in when you sleep. It’s not the images, feelings nor the sounds. These appear when you consciously enter SP, but they are not the SP itself.
I know, but they came along with it like you said
does the position you sleep in affect wether you LD or not?
hii people! ok well i havent been on here in almost a year i believe, and i havent been trying to become lucid in a few months, but recently almost every time wen i go to bed, i get sleep paralysis! at least thats what i think it is…
see, as im falling asleep, i start thinking of random things that half the time i dont even think is random at all. then i start either hearing this beat or feeling rhythmic vibrations then i get paralyzed and cant move…at 11 pm this is very frustrating to me so i have to force my self out of it over and over again until i can fall asleep without that happening, but in the daytime i think “shoot! i shouldve waited it out and seen if i couldve got lucid!”
but anyway, what im asking here is advice on how to stop this from happening or if its a definite sign of becoming lucid then how can i keep it going? lol
Last night I tried WBTB with WILD, it was like three in the morning and after a few minuets my heart-beat sped up and then I couldn’t feel my hands, but I kinda just fell asleep after that
so…I’m on the right track…right?
hey i have the same problem. I start to feel myself going into SP and i get scared. Last night i started thinking about what if i looked up and saw some scary somebody standing at the foot of my bed and i wouldn’t be able to get away. Even if i knew it was a dream it would be traumatic. I got scared and wanted to open my eyes but i thought it would mess everything up. The fear was a major buzz kill and i wasn’t able to become lucid. Any advice on how to calm myself down and not think about scary things?
Hello Alex, aka Gregorahh… I believe most members here will agree that it’s hard, at first, to keep yourself calm. As I’ve told you, breathing techniques will decrease your blood pressure, and it’ll calm you down. It also will put you in a more acceptable state to WILD. And remember, the Old Hag is nothing more than your SC, your imagination. Remember this, soon you will be comfortable enough to stare it in the face, and with a snap of your fingers you may make it dissapear…beware of FA’s, always make sure you are or aren’t dreaming before any actions… Excitement is the killer of all dreams, getting to excited will more than likely wake you up, and who wants an early dismissal of an LD!? =D RC RC RC RC!!!
P.S. to all the olden members of LD4all, and those who know me…I’M BACK!
thank you Blake…aka redifin
i think i am getting better at it because just last night i was attempting a WILD and thought about the old hag and then just as quickly i dismissed it from my thoughts and the fear totally went away. I think the key is to just stay calm by almost being completely passive ar indifferent to everything like its just whatever. Anyway, I got so close to WILDing and then my phone rang :’( STUPID CLAIRE!
First posted this in the “Was this a LD”-topic but then I found this one and thought it would fit better.
So here’s the post:
I haven’t had a LD yet, I found this website the day before yesterday. So tuesday I started doing the MILD exercise, after a while it started to feel really wierd, my head went sort of numb and I started to see short random geometric patterns.
But that was it, I went to sleep and had a ND and recorded it in my dream journal.
Last night the same thing happened, but this time the same thing happened to me that happened to Aino. I tried the relaxation technique described here and was telling myself something like “I will have a dream now and it will be lucid”, but in Swedish. After a while I got a really wierd sensation in my head and started to see random faint images and patterns flashing by, but it also felt like my hands and arms where shaking lightly, not much but I could feel it clearly.
When this happened I thought like “What the hell is happening?” and I had a really hard time trying to not think about it. I didn’t have the discipline to stay “passive” and it stopped and I went to sleep and had a ND.
Was this the beginning of a WILD or a MILD? What was it?
What should I do the next time this happens?
It was the beginning of a WILD
the imagery was hypnotic Imagery
and the tingling was the beginning of sleep paralysis
you need to let the imagery flow through you BUT DON’T GET CAUGHT UP IN IT
i had the same with my first wild experiments ;] the first time actually my dream started so i dont know why i couldnt control it ;]
the second time i made the wild good, so i had visions, which i also wanted to control- no results.
Now i see than all i have to do is wait
we will see what results ill have in weekend
Ah cool! Feels awesome that I’ve managed to get to this point already! Was my third try last night, but it didn’t go as well as the two earlier nights. I felt that tingling/shaking in my head and hands, but I didn’t see any hypnotic imagery. After a while I got kinda impatient and was just lying and thinking “Where’s those damn images? I want to jump into that dream!”, I think that may have ruined it all.
How long does it take to go into SP and then into a dream? 10 minutes? 40 minutes?
I had a new experience this night.
I got ld and I said " let the dream end" with premeditation of making an astral projection.
Dream just gone away and i had really strong vibrations, during 20-40 seconds
next i woke up
so ld is also an gathering to OOBE