Bin Laden Conspiracy Theory?

What happened to the widely believed theory that Bush had captured Bin Laden months ago, but was waiting to reveal it just before the election? So many people believed in it, but it never happened. :confused: :confused: :confused:

Well, the reason why people stopped believing is because if they had him. They would have boasted that they caught him to help him get reelected.

Fahrenheit 9/11 suggest Bin Laden is CIA … and presents a good argument for the reasons to suspect that.

Bin Laden was presented before the election … and it’s intentions were to affect voters at the election polls. … and if it had any affect it was NOT helpful for Kerry.

Now the Bush America can rally together for more war fueled by blood while trying to “win” an unbeatable “war on terrorism” … which initial goal was to topple “bin ladin” but >3 years later Ladin is still creating drama to spew that will be translated into 4 different meanings before the election to assure enough fear and rumors are generated.

Heh. That is funny to hear. I don’t believe it though. Don’t believe everything Moore says, because that is only one person’s perspective and a lot of the stuff he presented was not true or misleading. I’m not trying to defend Bush in anyway, because I never wanted him to be president.

but hey! that’s the new bin ladin conspiracy!! :wink: keep the topic alive! :lol:

Bush and his government dont want to catch Bin Laden, why should he? What is the benefit of catching him? lets see… nothing?
Nothing for him or his rich friends, thats for sure,

instead of hunting down Bin Laden the worlds most dangerous terrorist, Bush went to Iraq, killed over 100,000 innocent people, killed thousands of Iraqi soldiers/rebels, and about 1500 US+British soldiers have died.
Why did they choose to go to Iraq and capture Saddam who had no evidence of weapons of mass destructions, instead of go capture Bin Laden? coz in Iraq, where Saddam lived, there happens to be the biggest Oil fields on earth…ie. cash.

If Bin Laden is out, free, then there is more an excuse for the US to be out fighting wars and killing people (and stealing oil),

think about it… why has Bush put “freeing the Iraqi people from Saddam” as a higher priority than catching Bin Laden, a terrorist who has attacked US before and says he intends to do so again in future? I dont have to answer it.


Without being able to read the minds of our military leaders, I would assume they thought Bin Laden had been neutralized after the Taliban was knocked out. Bin Laden is resourceful but he seems to need a host country that will let him do his dirty work. So far they’re right, he hasn’t been able to launch another attack at the USA.

Saddam’s capture came as a surprise to me. I thought for certain he would be able to weasel his way out of Iraq somehow, maybe get into Syria or something.

oh Bin Laden can aattack USA alright… dont get your hopes up and think he is trying to think of how to do it but has not been able to.

After the sept.11 attacks Bush didnt move from a children’s classroom he was reading a story to kids,… if your country was “under attack” would you not be RUNNING BACK TO BASE and making some very quick military/security decisions?
or would u just sit there and think “ohh…damn”


cmon americans… you guys are being screwed in the ass so hard… Bush has turned your country’s $200+ million surplus into a -$700 million dollar defecit, biggest defecit in US history… he haslied to you guys that he is (was) looking for Bin Laden when he was really planning on attacking Iraq and stealing their oil, and killing hundreds of thousand innocent people

USA is guilty to the worst war crimes in the history of mankind, not the USA people…the people are great… the government who runs USA though has done all this…

Americans should be rallying in the streets every day… EVERY DAY. you should be getting together in your own communities and sharing the facts you all know about. Im sure a lot of Americans dont want their country to be in a war killing so many innocent people just to steal their oil (which will go to all rich people anyway)

what will america benefit now that Iraqi people have been brutally murdered? Lets see… the rich business men get loads of money…thats 1 benefit
i cant think of much more,…at all… only bad shit

im just speaking my mind… i love american people… not their government, dont worry i hate my own government too, here in australia,


i think the bush administration and the american government want to capture Bin Laden, but that stilll wouldnt end any war on terrorism. The United states have ALWAYS had exceptionally amicable ties to the Saudi Arabians, but that doesnt mean that Bin Laden and the US are in cahoots. A lot of the reason the US has such a bad rap in the middle east and among terroists is because of our extremely friendly bias towards Israel. The second we back away from our ally Israel, that is the beginning of the end, in my opinion. Bin Laden doesnt mean shit. Hes just one man. a coward in my book. He sends thousands to die in his war against western civ, but where the hell is. And if we, as Israels ally, back away from them, that leaves them with, lets see, about zero friends!!.. Anyone up on their reading of Revalations or prophesies of the end times knows this is a major step in the direction towards armegedon! :help:

stranger—by the way…you need to get your facts strait…bush did not create a deficit!! just like anywhere, a leader always inheriits the problems of the previous administrations, and this one is no different. BUSH does not create deficits. Neither does clintton, or blair or chirac. It is the countrys situation, and the leader is left with the blame or the credit… You view is a very narrow minded and un educated one. no offense. :smile:

and also, since im on the subject…war crimes??? what the f#$%??? eff the UN !!! People are dying and being persecuted…and we liberate a country from that shit and you call us war criminals??? that is messed up! weapons can be hidden…papers can be hidden…but if all that turns out to be false info…there is still the fact that that hussein was murdering his people on a regular basis.,…that is a fact…i realize there are master plans at work here…and so do you…but on the surface, liberating a people from a destructive dictator , just like in ww2, is not a bad thing. Thank God we reelected our president (who won a majoriy of the popular vote for the first time since 88 i might add!!) because kerry is pus and a commie who would have done whatever our republican congress wanted anyways! we need a leader who reflects the values and morals of our society, not and anarchist and a nonconformist like john kerry. war crimes??? what war crimes?? war is war…get a grip!

Wow, if your belief that Bush represents the country’s morals is accurate, then you just summed up why I’ll be anxious to leave this country.

Reagan and Bush 1 are the ones who put and kept that mad man in power. But, no they were not in cahoots or anything.

I’ll tell you lots of people around the world seem to hate us and it’s not just Arabs and Muslims.

Um, he did. :uh: I think you are doing an excellent job of rewriting history there. Bush II inherited a surplus and you call that a problem! Unfortunately, Bush spent the surplus before we even had it in the bank. The bad news is that the surplus was not as big as expected. That coupled with Bush II implementing the same trickle down economic policies of the Reagan/Bush era led us into another recession. The only thing Bush inherited was a booming economy that was on it’s way up. Then Bush II comes into office and turns everything upside down and inside out and suddenly we are in a recession.

Don’t count your surplus before the money is in the bank. We have not liberated anyone yet. The war still goes on and we don’t know what will happen when/if this ends. BTW- As far as I know noone in Iraq asked us to liberate them.

Well if that is reason enough to invade a country the why are we not sending our military into Sudan today?

You need to stop watching fox news and understand this. We were not attacked by Iraq.

There I agree with you. The United Nations is about as unless as the League of Nations was. I would like nothing better than to see us pull out of the UN altogether and expand our NATO alliance. :ack: I forgot we have pissed off our allies. Well I guess that wont work. :sad: Once Blair is gone we will truly be alone, except for Israel. I don’t think Australia will even stay with us. When we have to fight to hold on to our closest allies like Australia and the UK something is terribly wrong.

post election support group.Trust me those are not the views of the majority of Americans. If you want to discuss that more you can do it in the I think we have hijacked this thread enough as it is.

youre right, this is the wrong place for this…lol…no offense to you stranger…its hard to explain anything when you only have so much room…

If that’s the case, he’s been uncharacteristically merciful considering his usual reactions to American intervention in the middle east!

Things are blowing up over there every day! Remember what happened in Spain. That wasn’t that long ago.