Birthday/Age mod is here :D

Thanks Siiw. :content:

I like the new age feature even more now, since I know how to act with everyone now. A kid my age might think something’s funny, while someone older might not get it. Pretty neat I’d say. :grin:

isn’t that stereotyping people wolf? :tongue:

Nope, that’s making sure I keep my big trap shut around certain people! :razz: For example:

I start spouting out curses. A 16 year old may not care, but oh, say, Moogle would. :grin: IRL I don’t use swear words, but you get what I mean. Of course it’s not the same for all older/younger people, I feel them out first to see what they’re like. :wink:

great, now I don’t have to count when I need to know how old I am… now I can just log on and see :wink:

It is possible to set your avatar again, i got rid of the weird error :boogie:

hehe moogle has an gap where her age should be.
I wonder if my age will give me more or less respect as the guy who sits in the corner… or just general philosophizing.
That reminds me, I think I’m the most popular + longest existing active member without an avatar.


:tongue: I think I confused this thing…Only 15 more years till I’m born! :grin:


I didn’t know you could put in that date for the future. :content:

I might just go ahead and do that, too. Or, maybe not. :no:

That’s interesting, though. I never knew you could do that.

You never know until you try :content: