black spotted hands

basically this is it:

i had a dream (which i won’t bore you with), but at some point in my dream i look at my hands and they were heavily spotted black, but only on the palm side it seemed. and in my dream i rememebr thinking that this was vision that i needed to find out what it meant once i woke up.

so, does anyone have any ideas or have read anything anywhere about dream signs that might help me out?


I advise you to ask a DC what the spotting on your hands represents. Other people can guess as to what it might mean (hands tend to be very symbolic and not neccesarily related to your physical waking body), but the only reall advice you get will come from yourself (your DCs).

What is a DC??

DC = Dream Character
I don’t speak to mine much. I probably should :confused:

…hey so was gueazas dream an ld or just a normal dream?

it’s actually Queaza. :smile:

but anyway, yes my dream was an ld, sorry for not mentioning.

and i don’t often ask my dcs questions. a couple of times i’ve ask dcs questions like whether they knew this was a dream or not and then i would lose lucidity. or they always give me really wierd looks and/or not staight forward answers.

i will have to defidently try that though, if i get a ld soon, it’s been a while.

thank you for the great advice, i honestly wouldn’t have thought of that.

It must b pretty weird to tell your DC that u r dreaming. How does that work. Do they realise they r just a figmeny of your imagination.

I have tried this before but the only thing is i have convinced myself that they r having a lucid dream as well and therefore have met each other in our LD’s. But this wasn’t the case once I talked to the person the next day. I just made it that way because it is more comfortable to have someone else recognise it’s a dream.