My most frustrating dreams (and unfortunately I’ve had quite a few of these) are the ones where there are either very very bright lights, or my eyes won’t clear, or, equally frustrating, my eyelids feel very, very heavy and I can’t seem to open them. In all of these dreams, I can’t keep my eyes open for more than a couple seconds. I’ve never been lucid while this is happening, I was wondering if it will go away when I realize I’m dreaming? If not, any ideas how to get the bright lights to dim or my eyes to open? It really spoils the effect of the dream if you can’t SEE anything
I’ve never heard of this, but if you think that it might go away when you realize that you’re dreaming, try this…
Every time you see very bright lights, your vision is unusually blurry, or you feel like your eyelids are extremely heavy, think to yourself “I’m dreaming.” You can use this with self-hypnosis…
Say to yourself before you go to sleep, “If I see bright lights, my vision is blurry, or I can’t open my eyelids, I’m dreaming.” Repeat this over and over in your mind.
It might work I’d recommend getting other’s opinions too; I’m pretty new at this LDing stuff.
This happens to me all the time, but fortunately never while I’m lucid.
For example, a couple of days ago I dreamt that the floor of my apartment was water, and a shark was swimming around in there. My parents were telling me where to look, but I just couldn’t see anything. I was trying to open my eyes to see the shark, but all I could make out was a blurry dark shape every few seconds before my eyes forced themselves closed again.
When I was younger, I used to think this was due to actually trying to open my eyes in real life – while in the dream.
I’ve had quite a few dreams where I was struggling to keep my eyes open, as if exhausted from lack of sleep. I’ve also experienced this while I have been lucid and it has often screwed up the dream. A few times I have been aware that just one of my eyes is functioning as if I were awake, which is unusual. I don’t know how to get rid of this sort of thing, but affirmations, as suggested, might help.
Hello. I’ve had this problem quite a lot. It’s always in LD - I’ve never had a problem seeing in a non-lucid dream. Do you have any problems with sore eyes or anything? I often have dry or sore eyes and I think this affects my ability to open my eyes in LD. When I do lots of exercises to relax my eyes, I’m more likely to be able to see properly in LD. The visual sense is the most difficult for me and it’s also the first to fade away when a dream fades. I’ve sometimes been almost awake and still able to feel the sense of touching a dream object (or person - once I was kissing my girlfriend in LD as I woke up - a charming experience). I’m generally not very aware of my visual environment. Developing this awareness and thus developing visual detail in my dreams is one of my main aims at the moment.
I’ve had those dreams before. How it usually happens for me is I get up from bed and I have a tremendous amount of pressure all over me. It’s very, very hard to open my eyelids, and when I do my vision is blurry. The last time this happened to me, I was looking for an object in my room to see if it was like it is in real life. I saw something and slowly opened my eyelids (putting a ton of strain on them) to clear vision a bit. When I saw what I wanted, I quickly let my eyelids shut because I couldn’t hold them open any longer.
I faced that problem many time that I actually hated dreaming at one point (yes there were some time I hated dreaming). I was like 5 or 6 years old. I had reoccuring dreams where I try to see, but I couldn’t. My eyelids were so heavy. When I succeeded opening them, I only could hold them open for short time. When I had them opened, everything were so blurry that I only could make out was shape and color. That was when I was deep in sleep paralysis. I tried to wake myself up (I knew I was dreaming), but it seemed harder than my regular nightmares where I always wake myself up before anything happened. I struggled and struggled. When I finally woke myself up… my vision was still blurry. I saw my mom coming into my room. I moved my hands to tell her that i couldn’t see her at all. I was 1/2 paralyized and 1/2 not (I must have went out of body 1/2 way?). That time, I thought I was possessed by evil (don’t laugh at me lol… my imagination can be weird that time). Eventually I learned how to snap out by crossing my eyes in real life. It worked very well. Eventually my experience of blurry vision and weird sleep paralysis experience disappeared. I never experienced them again. I just thought you might like to hear that. I think it is a common problem sometimes. Anyone else have this problem now or when you were a kid? I’m just wondering.
Lieve dromen (sweet dreams!)
This has happened to me nearly every time I have had WILDs. I get up out of bed and walk twards the center of the room, which is very difficult to do. My vision is all blurry and I struggle to open my eyes and see. Several times I have been able to get then partly open and what I see the the ceiling above my sleeping body in bed, even though I am standing in the middle of the room. But once I get out of my bedroom into the other room and out the frond door everything clears up fine. It seems to me that Im still seeing with my physical eyes just after I “step out of my body”. Strange indeed