I’m one of the poor souls that does not have easy capability during flight. I can get high up in the air, but will eventually float to the ground.
Last night I discovered how carefull exhalation could increase my performance - maybe it’ll work for others.
As soon as you start to lose your stability or height - forcefully exhale. For me, it stabalized & shot me forward & higher. Part of it may be the result of tension release allowing for less forced movements, or maybe just simulating the action of a balloon losing air.
I really hope this technique works for others; it was a lot of fun
Imagine yourself standing on your hands, then imagine yourself blowing so hard it make fire, you then shoot off into the sky…BINGO! youve become a rocket ship…LOL
one of the reasons you may find it hard is because it’s not physically possible. The subcoscious doesn’t recognise this, but during a lucid dream the conscious mind is awakened and rational thought leaks in. The best thing you can do is to fully believe that flight is possible.
In my case the forceful exhail wouldn’t work as i don’t breathe in my dreams at all. i’ve not yet tried to fly as i am still working on the smaller things, But when i think it will be the next thing to try.
Here’s anothing thing you could try, put on a suit that has flaps under the arms to ur torso like wings. and use the hot air to help you stay afloat, some monkeys (spider monkeys i think) use this in the real world - so who knows maybe that might help you? and something for the more “pro” LDers to try for fun
Interesting ideas. What’s strange is that I never have any trouble floating up initially. I have a natural tendency to over-analyze everything in dreams and reality. Once I arrive at my comfortable height I comtemplate too much on “why does this work?” & “where did these images originate from?”…etc… That’s when I lose focus & float back down.
A little while ago I used my cat Tbias as a floatation device; very similar to the jacket flaps and such - but that was A LOT of fun! - cheers