Bringing others to lucidity

Ok, so here is my idea for all you advanced lucid dreamers. Before I go into this, one must first drop all mental blocks surrounding the issue of shared dreaming, and the incorrect belief that the mind does not affect reality, or others minds. You are in an altered state of consciousness during the dream state, and it is very easy to get there, which is why I am on this forum, and not on a meditation one proposing this, because this is easy to experiment with. And so, here the experiment begins:

One becomes aware that they are dreaming, they look around and see a large green frog hop by with a bright orange and red yinyang symbol, which is glowing, and several Sanskrit, sumerian, lemurian, atlantean, and pleaidian symbols are shimmering on the frogs back. It stops and croaks "He who attains lucidity in a dream is on the path of enlightenment. It then winks out of existence. You scratch your head, and turn around to look at a tree nymph. You suddenly remember this experiment, and decide to go to one of your friends, or family members house that has agreed to participate. You ramp up the Astral Projection vehicle, and summon yourself into reality. You then travel to your friend/family members house, travel to there bed, and see them sleeping. You sit there scratching your head, wondering how to lucidize them. You inject them with the lucid potion…nothing happens. You realize that they have to be dreaming first. You say to yourself “How can I make a person dream”. You remember these bold words:
Electrons in the brain are connected by a variety of levels. The most observable level is the electron bond, however, each person also has a subtle energetic connection to every electron in there brain, and this is how the brain relays information to the subconscious mind, which the ego(the area that the consciousness template focuses on) is then relayed only a small portion of this information, that which the subconscious mind has been told is the “true” reality, and constructs it for the ego. Different states of consciousness are different patterns of this construction that is relayed to the ego. Thus, to change consciousness, one must change ones pattern, however, one is not intimately aware of this pattern, but rather aware of thoughts, which automatically change the electrons moving to and fro, and thus the pattern. However, when effecting anothers thoughts, on can use subtle energy to do so. Subtle energy is actually photonic energy of a higher frequency than that of gamma ray frequency. So the question is, how can photons effect a photonic pattern? One must remember, photons can repel and attract other photons. Photonic attraction and repulsion And when one person changes another photonic pattern, they directly influence what the subconscious constructs. One does not need to focus on the patterns, and the individual photonic emissions when performing this, but rather just make the intention of doing so, of raising one into the dreamstate, and their personal subconscious will do the rest.
-Excerpt from Akashkic records on influencing consciousness, translated into English by Moto
You then dwell on this, and summon up a dream object as your solution. The Dreamstate inducer. You fire it at your friend. This induces REM sleep, and propels them into a dream. You summon up another dream object, the Lucidizer. You fire it at them, and this causes them to become lucid. You have a monitor all the while monitoring their status, realtime. You then enter their lucid dream, and communicate whatever it is you wish.

Note: This is but one method, the heart of the experiment is to lucidize someone. That is all

With great power comes great responsibility.


This might also work Astral projection wise, but do I have any takers of the experiment?

Note to mod: Plz allow a couple weeks for this post, because it might take a while for people’s brain to get used to it(and I am just starting out my lucid quest :smile:

I really don’t understand this experiment, do you mean that the purpose of this experiment is to make people become lucid, in one of our lucid dreams?

So to stimulate a shared dreaming, but where it becomes shared once you initiate anothers lucidity, i.e. lucidize them. I mean, just think of the possibilities. You could lucidize the president, and have a little chat, pretending to be a DC, and have him tell you everything about the goings on of the White house. The stuff in bold is just a very small portion of what I understand about the structure of the universe, and the way matter operates, as the stuff that is being released into the public is pure horseshit to keep them in a box of limitations, and keep them as sheep. I mean, do you see lucid dreaming on the news at all? Shouldn’t this be all over the news, as you are able to use vast amounts of your brain in a lucid dream, and are able to solve problems extremely quickly, while sleeping. Seriously though, think about it. And all they have to talk about are problems, not possible solutions. But anyways, just think of the possibilities. This should be a casual experiment, just over the course of the next few weeks, try it out :smile:. Namaste

I still haven’t been able to get lucid yet. so you guys could try to get me lucid i would love that or at least tell me some password if you get to my dream.

^ yes, I would offer to be the one to be lucidized as well. For now, most of my attention goes into Astral Projections more than lucid dreams. But I did have some lucid dreams when I was little and I sometimes can wake up from dreams when I want to. :happy:

I’m just gonna put this out there… I’m pretty sure this makes absolutely no sense. At all.

Iammoto, my friend u are truly a genius!

Whatever we believe in works. OUr beliefs are powerful. As this “ability” was a desire for me a few years ago, it’s absoloute synchronisity that i have found it today. If you look at my last post, …Inception style! u will find that i tried to wake up my mother when i saw her in a lucid dream.

I believe it works. Repetition, firing those nerons to create the nets is the discipline. Imagination is the practice. Imagine till u feel that u are doing it. It will work. I promise you this!

The way you wrote this deserves praise.
Till next time.

“I mean, just think of the possibilities. You could lucidize the president, and have a little chat, pretending to be a DC, and have him tell you everything about the goings on of the White house”

THis is something i’m gonna work on. NOt neccesarily the president, but i think that whatever can be imagined exists. Just because it hasn’t happened before doesn’t mean it can’t. And who knows maybe it has.

A wonderful topic.

Some of the longest lucid dreams I’ve had have been ones where I’ve lucidized random dream characters by asking them to count their fingers, then questioning them as to why they have six or seven instead of five… Gently offering the idea that they’re dreaming. I have no evidence that it’s a shared dream type of thing, but I’ve had at least 2 one hour lucid dreams like that (which is abnormally long for me).

Anyway, I just wanted to say that I like the word “lucidize”… :tongue:

Yeah dunlar that is a cool word!

One hour LD’s. That’s hella impressive. What kind of things have you done. Have u had an LD where it’s daytime before?



why not use intention

i intend to be in a lucid dream now , with ________________ and for them to realize they are dreaming

to create dream tools ? is that not ironic if the dream is the power ?

do you seriously mean this, and have you done it , ?

I’d like to be lucidized in one of my dreams… I haven’t had a lucid dream yet :angry:
Well, for a couple of years anyways…

You can’t make another person lucid, it’s something they have to do for themselves. You can try telling them, but either they won’t fully comprehend, or they’ll lose it after a few seconds.

Often, when you try to tell someone they’re dreaming, they just wake up. I try to counteract that by putting my arm around them when I tell them and giving them a good shake. Helps focus their awareness on the dream and their dream body so they don’t lose it.

I just don’t think lucidity is something you can gift to someone. Each individual has to work at it, like trying for enlightenment. It’s a lot of work, but worth it!

I’ve thought of this but in another way. Maybe, we could use Emotivs to talk in dreams. And lucidize our friends. Lets say I get lucid. But I can hear your thoughts in my dream. (emotiv produces them in real world) Then I think about getting lucid (you hear it) and you get lucid. That would be just awesome, but sadly Emotiv is not optimized for that kind of things I think.

How can we put information or a message in our electrons? At least in a way that the received understand?

Whatch the trailer for Emotiv device.