Build your lucid profile

Not really sure if this is the right board to post this in… If there was a better one, I must have missed it.

Anways, I thought this would be kinda cool to do. I’ll post a format and everybody will fill in information about themselves in their LD’s. Feel free to add an extra section or two to your profile…

I’ll start with mine to show the format.

Favorite method of going lucid
Haven’t successfully had an LD on purpose. I am currently trying to WILD. I got pretty close last summer, but then I started school and never had time. Now that summer’s coming, I’ll get back into it.

Favorite things to do while lucid
Experiment with powers, explore the dream world to see what my mind has created, attempt to communicate with my spirit guide(s), (so far unsuccessfully attempt) sex

Unique powers/tricks (include notes/descriptions)
The power to temporarily ignore the laws of physics and do semi-abnormal things (such as short gliding, gaining near-weightlessness while falling, reaching unusual heights by jumping/climbing, etc…) However, as I said, this doesn’t last long. I still can’t totally control my LD’s.

The power to clap my hands and then generate bluish electricity from both arms. (I am trying to stem my powers from this one, I could use the electricity as “magic” and create things/bend reality…)

Favorite mode(s) of transportation
Flight and superspeed/sprinting

Usual method of flight
Growing gigantic, black, crow-looking wings from my back.

Have you met your spirit guide?
Yes, once. I have the suspicion that I may have two, in which case it’d be twice (once each.)

Spirit Guide’s name
They haven’t directly told me their names, but I’ve dubbed the first one Enigma, and the second one Chance.

Description of Spirit Guide(s)
Enigma: I couldn’t tell the gender. This was because when I woke up, it was as if my memory had been erased. I had talked with the spirit guide, yet I couldn’t remember what its voice sounded like. I also couldn’t remember what it looked like except for the fact that it was extremely pale; had long, black hair that covered its face; and wore a white robe/dress. Though I can’t be sure, I’m leaning toward it being female.

This is what happened when I met it/her (copied from my LD Journal):

[i]Note: I don’t really think Spirit Guides exist in real life, but I do believe that everybody has kind of… made up their own, subconciously or something.

I’ve been trying to WILD the last week or so, hoping to meet my spirit guide to see what he/she was like. About 2-3 nights ago, the WILD still didn’t work but the night was FULL of lucid moments. Every time they happened though, everything would fade black and I’d wake up… This has been happening a lot, lately… The final lucid moment I had that night, however, ended with an FA instead of a real awakening. (I was not lucid at this point, but I look back and realize what happened…) I was sitting on my bed, and I was talking with somebody else sitting at the foot of my bed. I don’t recall what they looked like, what they sounded like, or even if they were male or female. Now that I look back, I think it may have been my Spirit Guide. I felt like I had known the person all of my life, too… I told the person about my recent problems with lucidity, and he/she said this: “Try using the portals…”

I suddenly found myself floating in total darkness, a void of nothingness. Off in the distance, there was a giant door. (Think “The Gate of Truth” if you’ve ever seen Fullmetal Alchemist.) It opened up to reveal a giant, purple, swirling vortex inside. I then woke up.[/i]

Chance: Male, caucasian, spikey blonde hair. Dressed in normal clothes. Somewhere between the age of 15 and 20. Around 5’ 6" to 6’ 0". I don’t remember how the dream was introduced, but I remember that I was flying around in a very strange helicopter with him. Almost 3/4 front half of it was made of glass/some clear substance, so I could see all around us. There were two seats in it, and they just sort of hovered near the front of the cockpit. It was a really big helicopter, there was about 9’ of clearance from our floating seats to any point on the actual helicopter. There were all kinds of levers and things jutting from the front of the compartment to his seat, so he could control it. He flew me around the “dream world” through a series of portals and showed me places where I’d been in past dreams. It was pretty interesting… He let me take the controls for a second and I ended up crashing us into a halfpipe at a skateboard park I had dreamed about a long time ago. We both jumped out and made it safely. I didn’t have time to see what his reaction was, because I woke up. :bored:

They were like Yin and Yang, they had totally opposite personalities. Enigma was completely calm and basically hid herself from me. Chance was adventurous and made spur-of-the-moment decisions. He made no effort to hide himself from me. My experience with Enigma was more psychological (she explained lucidity and how I could make it work.) My experience with Chance was more physical (we travelled around my dream world and ran around looking at everything.) One other difference was that my experience with Enigma dealt with Lucid Dreams. My experience with Chance dealt with non-lucid dreams. Hm… that’s kinda weird :tongue:

I felt like I had known both of them forever.

Optional Notes