bwgen for your mobile

does anyone know if you could make a version of bwgen for your mobile?


i found sbagen for pocket pc (with windows CE)
it is really works


if your mobile can play audio, try make some bwgen wav files and
convert to _stereo_mp3

Bwgen requires headphones with stereo speakers.

A mobile might could use .wav/mp3 extractd from the “Neural Noise Synthesizer”
NNS doesn’t require stereo or headphones. It’s designed to be effective with the cheapest of speakers.
It’s 35 bux but has a 14 day trial, long enough to extract a few .wav files.

yes every brainwave programs (or sounds) are require stereo headphone
(although you can use the newest transparentcorp programs without headphone. in my opinion you can get better results with headphone)

can you use your mobile with stereo headphone?
if not… i have no more idea :neutral:

i listen lot of bwgen wavs with my cd player, and with my pocket pc.
sometimes i use proteus mind machine

sorry for my terrible english… :bored:


I love your English … :content: you actually spell out your words!! :lol: n0t g8 wh3n people type like th1s!

it’s true, I think NNS is more effective with headphones too. It also has some “presets” that require them.

Also can help biofeedback devices, brain wave training, or emg frontalis muscle relaxation. I provide these related links. Explore new avenues… eeg biofeedback emg biofeedback