Bye Bye, Wonderfalls. . .

“We’re bobbing along in our barrels. . .”

Well, no more.

It’s that sad time of my life again when one of my favorite shows gets CANCELED!!! First it was Firefly (which absolutely rocks) and now it’s Wonderfalls (which though is reminiscent of Joan of Arcadia), has that quirky touch that made my Friday nights better. I’m expecting Arrested Development to be cancelled soon because, well, it’s just so good and the TV execs just don’t seem to like good shows.

Okay, well that’s not entirely true but I had to complain about how annoying it is to like a show and see it go after a mere four episode run.

Why, God, Why? (That was a play on the plot of Joan and Wonderfalls, so I hope not to offend anybody.)

Thanks for this venting post!!! (I feel better.)

Oh, and there might be something wrong with me: How long has that “View more Emoticons” link been there? I never noticed it and always wondered why people had all these cool emoticons I had never seen. I thought people went to the trouble to get their own.

*Don’t worry. I slapped myself in the forehead so YOU wouldn’t have to!


No need to take anything back, I’m confident you were right the first time. There seems to be a tendency for quality shows to be cancelled, often despite tremendous public interest. Ah well, what can you do?

It’s been there as long as I can remember. In fact, I don’t think it has ever not been there. :tongue:

Maybe I’m dreaming, then!

*Hmm, RC time. First LD mission: Bring back my favorite shows! (Oh well, at least I tried.) :grin:

a few of mine have gone too, Buffy, Angel, Charmed and thankfully Stargate SG-1 which was meant to end has at least one more season left before “atlantis” replaces it so umm YAY.

As for firefly, i felt the first ep where he was playing with dinosaurs summed it up. The show was deader than the dinos. I’m not surprised the show got pulled mid-season.

A lot of shows are ending this season. Unfortunatley there won’t be any good replacements next season, I bet.

What?!? Blashphemer!?!? (oh wait no question mark for that one)
Firefly OWNZ!!! AhhhhHH!H!H!H!H!H!

No but seriously that does a little justice to my reaction to that. Serenenity (parts 1 and 2), which is the episode where he does that dinosaur thing is actually one of my faves too! (though the dinosaur thing was kind of ridiculous it kind of fits Wash’s character) I dunno i think that the scriptwriter is very good, great acting too and sweet character development (it gets better with each episode), actually can really get into it. Heck the fight scenes are too cool to boot, and even humoruous at times, to quote Mal (Captain Malcom Reynolds) ‘They say you shouldnt hit a man with a closed fist but it is at times hilarious’ clever. Ah well guess our tastes do differ a little but hey i love Stargate-SG1 but kind of quit watching it cuz i miss too many episodes, dont want to spoil things but then again i keep falling behind… oh well, eh but i still think that Firefly seems to have a lot more work put into it - its a lot more convincing…oh well guess i’ll stop this zealous fanatical reaction of mine and go watch some episodes. :smile: sorry about that :shy:

Oh, I love that kooky kind of stuff (in reference to the dinosaurs). Like Sentient said, that’s Wash all the way. Oh well. At least I have what there is of the first season on DVD. DM, if you liked Buffy and Angel, how come you didn’t like Firefly? They all have that Joss Whedon touch. If you take nothing else away from Firefly, take this, “If somebody tries to kill you, you try to kill 'em right back.”

You can tell a FOX show is about to die when they juggle it’s time slot arond, especially if they do it several times within a short span of time.

I never watched wonderfalls… I wanted to… but IT’S ON A FRIDAY NIGHT… what kind of time is that? I mean… that just isn’t a typical TV watching time for most people… you know?

FOX has a history of making great shows, juggling with putting them in HORRIBLE time slots, and then wondering why no one likes the shows/knows about them.

Example: Titus… the best non-cartoon tv show i’ve ever seen… just brilliant… it lasted a few years thank God… but… they jsut kept INTERFERING WITH STUPID AMERICAN IDOL and changing it’s date and time so much…

Then they wonder why the ratings are bad?

Then… Andy Richter controls the universe… anyone that saw the show tended to love it… but you know, they had it in a good spot on sunday n ights, then they moved it like wednesdays or something… NOW IT’S GONE

I hate FOX so much…

FAMILY GUY… a show with legions of die hard fans… BUT THEY TRIED TO COMPETE WITH SURVIVOR…

If you have a popular show and you want to save it, put it on during a good time, and KEEP IT THERE

don’t cancel it for 2 months to show your lame reality shows… god…

I hate american idol with a passion…


I knew that stupid show the Pitts was dead from the beginning… I refused to watch arrested development because I figured it wouldn’t last more than a month… but eventually I caved in and it’s not a bad show at all but it’s no Titus

And why the hell do they write “profanity” into the scripts only to CENSOR IT? I don’t get it… they show nudity and 4 letter words but they censor it… WHY? That makes no sense… unless they want us to hate the FCC as much as humanly possible… which I already do.

But yeah… FOX is a horrible netowrk with a history of ruining fantastic shows due to putting them in bad timeslots (oh yeah Futurama too… it was always cancelled because FOOTBALL was in the way)

Yet they keep horrible shows on the air that need a swift killing (the simpsons… i’m sick of it, none of the new episodes are good, they are flat out of ideas… it’s getting better than it was the past 2-3 seasons though at least).

So anyway… you might see wonderfalls start back up briefly then die again, they tend to do that with prematurely killed shows.

:grrr: :grrr: :grrr: :grrr: to FOX and corporate media in general.

Family guy was the best. I am mad that I have no new episodes to watch because I have seen them all so many times. I wish they would make new ones.

A big factor in Firefly’s demise was the production cost. All of the special effects and the realistic settings… FOX wasn’t really getting a bang for their buck, so to speak, with Firefly’s less-than-impressive ratings. That isn’t to say FOX isn’t at fault, as they’re known to seal the coffin shut on a show with potential by moving it to some absurd timeslot.

That makes sense, Sezril, and Holy Reality–great points. Their sets were incredibly elaborate. I just get tired of all the “garbage” (IMO) on tv these days. American Idol has 27 million viewers. Why? (Not to offend any AI buffs–I watched the first season.) The fact that William “She Bangs” Hung is getting his own record deal for singing and dancing like a furby on crack is not any better. What is the world coming to!!!

And because I’m in the venting mood (hehe), I’m sick of my parents always walking in my room to “monitor” what I’m doing. SO often they just waltz right in here and want to know how my homework’s going and whatnot. I have to close this window so many times a day and act like I’m checking my stocks instead (for a simulation). I think I may be one of the only ones here but it gets so annoying having your parents always keeping their eye on you.

A week ago when I was writing an essay for school, my step-dad came in my room half a dozen times just to see what I was doing. It was no wonder I got a 100 on my totalitarianism essay for the novel 1984–I feel like I live in my own little 1984 sometimes. Uh oh, I here footsteps–must mean they’re coming YET AGAIN!

Anybody else get this or am I alone in the world? I will end this dumb post with an appropriate smiley: :cry:

Whew, I feel better!

*Whoops, right before I was gonna click send, my step-dad came in AGAIN to supposedly check to make sure my windows were shut all the way. That’s three times in, oh. . .TEN MINUTES!!!

It’s a darn good thing I hit ctrl a and c to save my messages before I exit out and they’re lost forever. It would be such a shame if people couldn’t read my irrelevant posts. . .

Excuse me while I wipe the tears from my eyes, and get back on my chair. If I hadn’t (unfortunately) seen the guy you’re referring to, it probably wouldn’t be so humorous. The sad part comes with the fact that a lot of people must like him…

I usually write my posts in a separate text editor for a few reasons. Firstly, it looks like I’m actually doing work (the light-blue browser window is just begging for the attention of anyone in the same room as myself). Secondly, it allows me to spell-check long posts and maintain the illusion that I have at least some grasp of the English language. Lastly, most serious text editors (like Word) save draft copies of your document before you intentionally save it, so in the event that my computer crashes, I haven’t lost everything.

Sarcasm aside, it certainly would be. Your posts are always a pleasure to read.


Reality TV programs not only get good ratings, but they’re incredibly profitable. Relatively speaking, they cost next to nothing to make. No actors to pay…just one host who knows he can probably be replaced.

Take “Survivor”, for instance. Dump some people on an island and give them a few pieces of wood and matches, then pay a few people to hang around them with video cameras. A lot easier than hiring actors, writers, special effects teams, set designers…

And I always thought you did!

Thanks, Atheist. Your post made me feel better. :content:

I often paste my text in a word document so I know if I misspelled anything. I also check on and google for needed definitions. Though I always like writing my stuff here on the site–seems to go faster for some reason. (I’m delusional, I know.)

Monitor199a–you’re certainly right about the efficacy of low-budget reality shows such as Survivor. You get all this scheming and plotting and twists and eating disgusting bugs and LOTS of viewers all for a minimal cost!!! Plus, with Richard Hatch aboard twice now, there’s nudity for anybody feeling they aren’t exposed to it enough these days. (Sad to say, I actually do watch Survivor. Don’t think I’ve missed a season. . .) However, reality shows are getting way out there and I draw the line on latest prospects My Big Fat Obnoxious Fiance and The Littlest Groom.

Does anybody here watch reality shows on the Food Network, HGTV or A&E (Airline is fantastic!)? Now those are RSs that should be kept around.

Okay, I realize I am about a week late in addressing this but my nit-picky ways are calling me to it. True, the first episode, Serenity 1 & 2 features Wash playing with dinosaurs, but it was aired December 20, 2002, three months after the first aired episode, The Train Job. So if you thought it should be canceled from that episode, that means you either watched the whole season or just the very last episode (at which point you would have known the show was canceled anyway).

Most people are probably reading this and thinking: “Who cares?” Fair enough. It just HIT me though that there was a discrepancy and I had to right the wrong.


I can sit there and watch the food network all day.
Oh, and trading spaces. I dono why but that show can keep me buisy for hours. I watched big brother season 1, and thats the only cbs reality show i watched. I watched my big fat obnoxious fiancee a few times it wasnt bad. Other than that all I watch now a days is the simpsons new episodes on sundays and reruns every other day, music videos, arrested development, malcom in the middle XD, chapelle show, south park, and cartoons.

Shows I miss:

Boy Meets World
Andy Richter controls the universe
space ghost coast to coast (feat brak, w/o him it sucks)
Seinfield (although i watch reruns sometimes)
Drew Carey Show (with kate)

Food Network’s pretty cool. It’s addicting! Although the only show I watch regularly on there is Good Eats (the camera work is excellent and the host is hilarious!).

Trading Spaces and Changing Rooms (BBC America) are great too but I get fed up with how the rooms turn out sometimes. (Pre-tay ug-lay!)

Boy Meets World. Haha. They might still show re-runs on Disney channel if you felt inclined to sit through that stuff.

Oh yeah, and who can forget Big Brother. I watched the first season also and it quickly went down from there. . .

wow… if there’s something i hate as equally as these crazy reality shows (the swan… it’s so sad… i bet all the trendy girls love it) it’s trading spaces

it’s mildly interesting, but I hate the stupid music, they play the same bass + cow bell song over and over again in every scene for like 2 minutes at a time… god… would it kill them to take the money they make from all the moms watching their shows all day to write a few new tunes?

I guess I mainly just dislike it because my mom watches it all the time and home rennovations bore me.

anyway "And because I’m in the venting mood (hehe), I’m sick of my parents always walking in my room to “monitor” what I’m doing. SO often they just waltz right in here and want to know how my homework’s going and whatnot. I have to close this window so many times a day and act like I’m checking my stocks instead (for a simulation). I think I may be one of the only ones here but it gets so annoying having your parents always keeping their eye on you. "

My parents do that to me too, and I’m 18… they’ve been known to go to the forums I post on and read my posts.

(which is how I got busted for toking up…) :sad: <-

but I worry more about the government that I do them… what with how we don’t have a 4th amendmant and the FBI is trying to (in coordination with none other than the FCC) pressure ISPs to install backdoors on their users computers.

i’ll go get a link

^ if that angered you, you probably just committed a thought crime.

The WB network here used to show reruns of BMW and then disney started showing BMW and Sister Sister when WB quit showing them. Now disney doesnt show BMW and i dont know about SS.

On the food network I like the show Unwrapped. Good eats is cool too and Iron Chef is hilarious. Emeril is pretty cool too. I stayed home sick one day and watched the food channel for about 14 hours straight.