Calendars for the Cosmic Seed Year [beginning July 26]

Hi everyone.

The calendars for the Cosmic Seed year are now available for ordering! I’ll post more details regarding the money arrangements, paypal website over the next day or two.

In the meantime, it would be great if you could let us know what you think of it all, or whether you’re interested in ordering one.

One extra good idea that pasQuale came up with this year, is to have a fold-out attachment to the back page, which allows you to see the keywrods for each of the 13 tones and 20 seals, while still having the moonly picture and planner on display!

Thanks to all the artists :smile:


Explora! Man! It looks fab!

Where did you get all those drawings from? They’re freaking gorgeous!

OMG!!! I love it I love it I love it!!! I need to have one NOW :razz:

Seriously though, we need to get an ordering scheme going soon. Next year is about to start! We literally have less than a wavespell left.

absolutely beautiful
i was thinking of just making my own but ill have to get one of these