i cant have a lucid dream
[b]i no this sounds strange
but i cant do i reality cheak in my dream because i am never aware that i have been dreaming untill i wake up and then i think damn why diddent i realise the thing is i just dream aabout normal stuff like sitting on the computer or walking to the shops and nothing seems weird so i dont feel the need to do a RC its hard to explain but … its reeli frustrating
can any1 [/b]
If your normal dreams are about everyday stuff, you need to do RCs during the day and don’t dismiss it as real life until you have proved it with a RC. Then eventually you will do RCs in a dream and become lucid
Ask yourself: “Is this is a dream or is it real?” very often. Think about it real hard. Read about parallel universes and weird kind of philosophies like for exampel solipsism and nihilism. In short - doubt in “everyday” reality. Maybe?
Or you can just do that…
RC like crazy, ask yourself if you’re dreaming, make it a habit. Then, when you see ANY little thing not quite right, do it even more to the point where your family stares at you like you’re insane.
… And most important don’t give up it can take weeks until you have your first LD…
…But it could also happen tonight
You can also try WILD, VILD or some other mean of LD indution.