Can i get some opinions on the crazy dream?

First thing I remember is driving down the street and it all of a sudden getting nice out. I pass up David avins old house for some reason I feel like going there to ask some question. I forget what the question is now but i just had to ask it. After turning around twice i finally pull into the driveway. After some thought i walk up to the door to ask this question. As soon as the door opens i notice that the inside of the house is completely different and David obviously doesn’t live there anymore. I peek inside and all the decorations are light colored or white, the walls are neatly covered with posters of bones and charts and details of the human body. Similar to the walls of a doctors office. Sitting in what seemed the center of the room sat a man at a computer desk. On the desk was a flat screen monitor with some random websites popped up, a couple scientific gadgets and all i can remember that jumped out at me was a hampster cage with water in it. Designed so the hampsters had to crawl underwater through tunnels to excape. Not a living quarters, but more of a temporary experiment. This man had never seen me before, at least from my knowledge. He seemed estatic to be able to ask me questions, almost popping them off rapid fire. Once i didn’t start answering fast enough I remember his, what im guessing were his two sons, helping with the confusion. I was asked what felt like a thousand questions, everything from medic ade to what i thought was some baseball stat questions. I felt as if i was being attacked. I remember tunnel vision and loss of vocabulary. Every sense just seemed useless. Just to break the chain of incomprehensible questions I fired off with a random comment. “Hey man, I don’t know what your talking about, but if you ask me about skateboarding, Ill know it.” He looked at me disappointed, almost depressed, his two children left the room, and everything just faded black. Then i woke up.

Also, a note on “david”

  • random friend from my community,

  • random name from the bible

    • the house he lived in was very middle class
    • a house a doctor shouldnt have to settle for
David had a very hard childhood, with abusive and neglectful children. 

(all of these questions from the man seem as if questions that come with growing into an adult (Im 18. Im guessing the questions he asked were all questions i need to figure out for myself sooner or later to be able to cross over the line from child to man. I find it creepy and eerily correct of my answer. “all i know is skateboarding” for the past 7 years ive forgotten about all my problems through skateboarding. Its just what ive done. If im in a bad mood, i skateboard. )

(another wierd tidbit, the man was obviously inlove with his computer and used it for whatever work he does. In his car i noticed while walkin into the house, his keys where in his car as if he trusts everyone to not steal his car, and ontop of that. There was a mouse hanging from his keychain. Why a mouse? My only connection was the thought of christianty. the mouse is a symbol of knowledge and faith and guidence on a computer. The cross is the mouse?)

who did i meet? :confused:

Im seriously really confused over this, i dont want to jump to conclusion and say god, the maker, an oricle, but omg. It felt like it. If anyone has any idea id like to keep this dream thought going and see what else i can come up with.

Comments are welcom@! :smile: