can LDing affect your subconscious negatively?

I was thinking about this lately: since dreaming is all about transferring your subconscious to your consciousness (if you analyze/interpret your dreams), and LDing is about being more conscious in your dreams, I wonder if LDing affects your subconscious since you’re blocking it out in a way…I’m not sure if I explained what I’m trying to say…thoughts on this?

I’ve heard various thoughts and theories on how this might be harmful. Some people say it interrupts a brain function that is supposed to take place naturally every night; others think that there is a chance you might mentally scar yourself; still others think that you lose valuable sleep while you LD.

None of these claims have had any backing to them or studies that prove them. Also, I’ve yet to meet the lucid dreamer that has actually experienced these side effects (save one or two that think they’ve lost sleep, though this is unprovable).