Just recently I pulled both my legs out of place real bad. Its driving me crazy now because it won’t get better, and I wanna start skateboarding and doing martial arts again, but it just won’t get better. Ive talked to a doctor about it, theyve figured out exactly what it is, and Im in physical therapy now… but do you think if I had a lucid dream, and healed my leg in it, that since it would seriously be ME walking around, that it would heal it in real life? Ive read stuff about that on websites before, do you know if thats true?
There’s still much scientific research that needs to be done about this before concluding something, but I really believe it is possible to heal yourself by lucid dreaming.
While in a LD, put your hands onto your legs, imagine they have healing capabilities and that healing your legs in a dream have very positive effects in real life. You réally must believe this works.
It probably won’t work at once, but if you practice this every time you have a LD I think you’ll see some results. Your legs will start to heal faster and better.
I think the process is like praying. There are many stories about patients with various diseases who miraculously recovered after people prayed really hard for them. Lucid dreaming should in fact work much better because here you can directly use your “dream powers” to cure yourself. This sends a strong signal into your subconsciousness because in dreams you have direct access to this hidden area of the mind. In waking life, while praying, you don’t have these dream capabilities and you can only hope it will heal fast, not do it yourself with your healing powers, so the signal won’t be as strong as in a LD.
How this healing, this cooperation between mind and body actually works, I don’t know. Perhaps in time, science will give us some explanation…
If you have faith that you can heal yourself, then you will heal yourself.
I strongly believe that dream has a stronger capablity to heal yourself. I do have some experience by becoming lucid and heal myself depending on what I need to be healed in. It works very well, but you must BELIEVE in it or it won’t work. Good luck.
Obviously without medical attention they won’t heal, BUT studies have shown that having a possitive outlook actually helps people heal faster, so I would say it will help, but won’t do the job alone. Keep going to therapy, but do what you can in your dreams and more than likely you will heal faster than medical attention alone.
Oh! I forgot about that part that filmpunk18 mentioned! Yes, it’s important for you to continue attending the therpy. Just like when you’re trying to row the boat, you can’t row at one side or you will go in the circle. If you use both, you are going in a straight line and is able to advance… apply that idea to medical assistance and dream assistance. Hope I’m making sense!